Chapter Seventy Seven- Mending bridges

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The day of the ball had come around quickly. The snow was still unrelenting a freezing white blanket covering all which it touched. The workload was beginning to ease in time for the upcoming holidays and the festive cheer was reaching its hight. Mistletoe hung in mid air sporadically down the corridors and garlands weaved around the many banisters and yet I did not feel cheerful at all. The loss of my Father felt heavier than it ever had before, my dreams filled with endless childhood memories of Christmases gone by. Back when Christmas was magical, warm and  filled with love and gratitude. 

"I've made this one for you mummy and you daddy" the young girl a mere four years old grinned as she handed her mother a badly wrapped box covered in brown paper. 
"Thank you sweetheart." The woman smiled serenely, sharing a proud look with her husband who sat watching the scene a small tear in his eye. 
The woman gently peeled away the scrunched up paper like it was the most precious thing she had ever touched placing it gently on the sofa beside her. There was a unicorn made out of odd bits and ends including a clump of her own golden locks. 
"It's beautiful." her father smiled "Thank you," . The young girl smiled as she watched her mother place the creation in pride of place on the mantelpiece. 
"We have a present for you too." Her Father grinned  sharing a glance with her mother and kneeling down in front he held out his arm and whistled. There was a woosh of air as the young girl looked up pure delight and disbelief upon her face as a handsome baby barn owl landed elegantly on her Father's arm with a soft hoot. 

I sighed and turned over on my bed as I heard a knocking upon the door, who would be knocking? All of the girls just simply walked in. 
I sat up and wiped my eyes swinging my legs out of the bed. I walked towards the door placing my hand upon the cold brass door knob. 
Another knock caused me to hesitate a moment before curiosity took over me and a turned the door knob pulling the door inwards and peaking out of the gap. 
"Grisha?" I familiar shrill voice made me freeze solid, what was she doing here again? Was I still asleep? Was this another cruel dream?
"Grisha open this door." No this was not a dream, I sighed and pulled the door open a little more but not enough for someone to walk in. 
"Yes?" I asked, not even bothering to ask her what in Merlin she was doing back here. 
"Never you mind 'yes'? Let me in I don't have time for your childishness Grisha." She called through the narrow gap. I could just about glance her sharp features on the other side of the door. Reluctantly I pulled the door open and stood to the side waiting for her to come in. I did not have to wait long as she strode in dressed in a calf length low cut black fitted dress adorned with an assortment of long expensive looking chains hanging around her neck. 
"You know that this isn't just my room," I addressed her coldly, my Aunt however did not reply she merely stared at me a sharp look in her eyes. 
"You have you been crying." She stated simply. 
"No." I replied quickly, reaching my hands up to my cheeks they did feel damp... had I been crying in my sleep?
"Sit child," she gestured to the edge of my bed as she took a seat herself. Confused and lacking the motivation to protest I dropped onto the edge of the bed beside her. 
"It's the Christmas ball this evening you should be excited. This is your chance to show everyone out there who a McLaggen lady really is." she said sternly. 
"I'm not like you Aunt, flouncing around in a pretty dress is not how I plan to make a name for myself." I replied staring intently at my hands. 

She sighed. "How impeccably like your Father you are." She replied, the mention of my Father shot through me like an icy cold knife.
"But that's not necessarily a bad thing," She whispered as she reached out and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. Shocked at this sudden shift in attitude I turned to look at my Aunt who did not look stern or rigid anymore her face was soft and her small eyes glistened as she looked at me. 
"I miss him too you know," She breathed as she placed her hand upon my own. "I might not always say it or show it but... you didn't just lose a Father... I lost a Brother and I like you I felt as though I had lost him many years before his death." her voice seemed to falter a little as she straightened herself up breathing back what I could only assume where hidden tears. 
"You abandoned us." I uttered quietly averting my eyes back down to my hands. 
"Your Father made it very difficult for anyone to stay." she croaked her voice a little strangled. 
"Not being there for my niece when you needed me most is my greatest regret but it was just too painful for me... after everything that happened I ran... I was so young... I was so scared that I vowed never to invest myself in anyone ever again... I thought that losing someone dear wasn't worth the pain... but I see now that family is always worth the pain." 

I looked up at my Aunt as large warm tears fell from my eyes and rolled down my cheeks dripping onto my hands. 

"I chose a career over my family, I grew cold. Self-preservation, showing no vulnerability it became my shield against the world. But I never forgotten you or my brother... or your mother and so unmistakably like her you are." Just then she pulled out a small worn envelope from her small black leather clutch bag and handed it to me. Gingerly I took it from her she nodded for me to open it with a sad smile. 
Hesitantly I flicked open the envelope and withdrew from within an old sepia photograph of a young man and two young girls laughing together as they stood in front Hogwarts outer doors. One of the girls stood out to me as she looked strikingly similar to me. Her long blonde wavy hair falling down to her waist over her Gryffindor robes. The other young Slytherin clad woman was undoubtedly my Aunt she had hardly changed only her silvery short hair was then a rich chocolate brown which rested in waves just below her shoulders. The man of the group had my smile as he grinned out of the photograph, his Gryffindor prefect badge proudly pinned upon his robes. 
"We were about your age here," She smiled. "Your mother and me were so very close. She helped me with a lot of demons your mother, she had the uncanny ability to see the good in people even if it was buried deep within, something I sense she has passed onto you." 
I looked up from the photograph at my Aunt as if I was seeing her for the very first time. 
"Your mother's death was... is.... something that I will never truly recover from. She was the kind of person who once you had met her you would never be the same without her." 
I held the photograph back out towards her but she held up a heavily ring clad hand. 
"You keep it." She smiled. "Whenever you feel as if you don't know who you are you look at it and you remember where you came from." 
I swallowed hard as I placed the photograph on my bedside table propping it up against my alarm clock, the smiling faces of my parents and aunt still gleaming up at me. 
"Oh before I go..." My Aunt stood up and dusted off her dress reaching out her hands to me to take. Still slightly hesitant and still a little in shock at the turn of our conversation and the new side to this woman standing before me I took her hands as she pulled me up from the bed before she pulled her hands away and a neatly wrapped box lay across her outstretched arms. 
"An early Christmas present," she smiled. I looked down at the large box unable to find any words. 
"Go on take it," She prompted nodding down at the gift. Biting my lip I reached forwards and took the box from her with shaking hands, it was somewhat heavier than I had expected. It was decorated with a neatly tied red ribbon and holly leaf with a matching tan tag which read 'with love'. in cursive handwriting. I felt as if I was still in a dream, this wasn't my Aunt, this wasn't the Gavina that I knew. The Gavina that insulted me any chance that she had, the Gavina that had employed Celia of all people as her right hand assistant. 
"Go on you can open it." She smiled a glint of excitement in her eyes. 
"Thank you... but I... I really don't need a gift." I breathed. 
"Nonsense Grisha every girl deserves to feel special." she smiled her thin lips pulled up to one side. 
Letting out a breath I pulled on the ribbon releasing the bow. I pulled back the fold breaking the seal and peeled off the brown paper wrappings to reveal a bright white box. 
Anxiously I pulled back the lid and what was inside the box made my breath leave me as I stared down at the contents of the box. 
Inside was a blood red bodice covered in an intricate design of gold which shone and gleamed as it reflecting the flickering lights of the candles upon the walls. My hands shaking I placed the box upon the bed behind me and took hold of the shoulder straps, gently lifting the heavy ball gown out of the box revealing a sparkling red skirt which glittered like the night skies stars were woven within the fabric itself. I stared at the dress in awe, it was the most breathtaking dress that I had ever seen. 
"I... this must have cost... I can't accept this." I stuttered shaking my head as I turned to face my Aunt. 
"Nonsense Grisha. I assure that money is not an issue of mine and you are my niece, you are a McLaggen and tomorrow night you will look like the Queen that you are." she smiled. 
My stomach churned, "I... thank you." I breathed placing the dress down gently open my bed still entranced by its mesmerising detail and beauty. 
"Aunt Gavina," I called suddenly as my Aunt had turned to head towards the door causing her to turn her head towards me. 
"Thank you." I breathed. 
"You're most welcome child." she replied. 
"No... not just for the gown... thank you." I repeated. 
"Child it is I that should be thanking you, you have given me the greatest of gifts. The chance to see my niece thrive." and just like that she left... leaving me stood in the middle of my dormitory alone again but feeling less alone than I had felt in years. I certainly never thought that this day would come. Yes she was a pain that was for sure but she was my Aunt and my pain to bear and was far more than she appeared. 

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