Chapter One Hundred and Nine- A Moment in Time

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"Are you ready?" I turned my head to look at him, Payton stood by my side a large grin upon his face as he looked at me in anticipation. I nodded as I looked down onto the glistening lights of London below us. 

"Would you like to do the honors?" he smiled at me gesturing to the cold winter air. I looked behind me to see the rest of my group of coworkers stood waiting dressed in their best tuxedos and evening dresses. Taking a deep breath I nodded once more holding up my palm to the darkness I whispered, "Dominus noster."

Instantly a bright yellow glow encircled my hand causing it to feel tingly and warm. As I stared into it, it began to expand larger and larger until it had created a gaping hole before me only enlightened by the same bright glow surrounding it. Without a second thought I stepped off of the edge into the portal. Instead of falling to the busy streets below I found myself stood at the bottom of a large marble staircase with eccentric silver banisters which wove and intertwined with one another. I looked behind me to find that the rest of the aurors had quickly followed my lead. Turning back around I began to walk up the steps the sound of chatter and music beginning to grow louder with every step, my silver heels echoing. As I reached the top of the stairs I caught sight of myself in a large ornate mirror which was hanging upon the wall before the entrance to the ballroom. Half of my blonde hair tied back into a bun of small neat plaits, small wisps of hair falling down around my face. My blue eyes stared back at me accentuated by thick winged liner which glistened with silver a stark contrast to my otherwise muted makeup. My eyes traveled down to my dress, a modest black long sleeved fitted gown which draped down at the back into a small train. It was the open back of the dress which really caught the eye, silver glistening chains hung from shoulder to shoulder draped across my bare back. 

As I reached the top of the staircase I looked across the bustling room before me, its many crystal chandeliers casting a warm glow upon the rich furnishings. There was no denying it, the whole essence of the glamourous event just ozed Riddle. I turned and nodded to the rest of the group indicating for them to split across the large room. I dropped my head as I slid between the small groups of people gathered around the room, many of which I recognised as Riddle's Hogwarts companions but many I did not recognise at all. I had not let slip to the Ministry not any of my accompanying coworkers that I knew exactly who was hosting the uncilisited event... 
I knew as soon as I had figured out the password that would grant us entrance... 'Our Lord'.... but why... why was Riddle holding this event?... I guess deep down I knew but did I enter this event with the purpose of getting him arrested? No. On the contrary I suppose that I chose to overlook his intentions and instead focused open protecting the one person I cared about beyond reason itself whether he deserved it or not. 

I glanced up at the balcony which encircled the room looking down upon the floor below. It was there that my eyes fell upon him instantly. In a fitted black tuxedo, his pale skin glowing, his dark hair sweeped elegantly to one side. Leaning against the stone banister his whole presence exerting an enticing power and control as he surveyed his minions, his 'employees'. One thing was for sure there were far more of them than there ever were at Hogwarts. This was no longer a popular prestigious teenage gang. I wondered what Lazarus and Wiglaf would say... yet I pushed them from my mind. Part of me knew what they would say and I was ashamed, I had avoided telling them that I had been in contact with Riddle since finishing Hogwarts at all... it was for the best. As much as it pained me... we were no more the Heirs. 
I made my way across the floor towards the stairs up to the balcony, I needed to warn him. My mind screamed at me to stop, to do what was right but yet my heart screamed at me louder to stand by him, he was by no means perfect in fact quite the opposite and yet after all he had done so much for me over the years. I reached my hand up to the pendent that hung around my neck.
I paused hiding myself beside one of the chifon golden curtains which bellowed in the breeze from the open doors along the outer wall. His attention had now turned to a man beside him who he appeared to be in hushed discussion with... I needed to be careful. Riddle's old friends had never trusted me and I am sure they knew my profession which would only serve to heighten their suspicions. Riddle's long thin fingers began to tap against the balcony as his associate walked away. Dam it. I recognised that body language, Riddle was contemplating... did he already know? Had he received a tip off already? I wondered who could have given them away. It was then that it occured to me... would he trust me? If I had lead a whole ambush of aurors... 
Before I could think any further Riddle's head snapped in my direction, his blue eyes falling upon me instantly. My breath hitched in my throat as time seemed to freeze around us as he stood staring at one another. Riddle's eyes seemed to momentarily flicker over me for a moment I thought I saw a glimpse of shock flash across his otherwise blank face. Without a word he turned and walked out of one of the outer doors heading towards one of the outside balconies, I knew that he meant for me to follow him. I took a deep breath before walking across the balcony and slipping out of the same floor length glass doors. As I stepped out into the cold the doors slammed shut behind me leaving me on the small outside balcony with Riddle with nothing but an expanse of the deep blue night sky strewn with hundreds of stars beyond us. He inclined his head towards me before turning himself around to face him his back to the banister, we seemed to stand in silence for what felt like an eternity before he spoke. 
"I know why you are here." he said calmly. 
"Wait." I interrupted. "I don't think you do." 
"No?" he asked raising an eyebrow at me but there was no characteristic smirk... Riddle was not playing any games. 
 "I'm here to sabotage." I explained, my heart starting to beat in my chest as I listened to myself, I could barely believe what I was doing myself. "And I don't mean to sabotage you." 
When Riddle remained silent I knew I had at least managed to gain his interest if not yet his trust. Yet time a smirk did come to the corners of his mouth as he cocked his head to one side. 
"You are betraying your own? Are you sure you are even the Heir of Gryffindor?" 
"You're wrong. I am standing by my own." I breathed as I locked eyes with him. His smirk had dropped from his face as he stared at me, if he was feeling anything at all it was perfectly concealed behind his porcelain mask. 
Suddenly there was a loud pop from inside.  I bit down on my lip, my plan had worked... I knew what Payton would do the moment I told him about Malfoy and placed the seed into his head. I glanced at Riddle but he was no longer stood beside me. In a state of panic I threw open the doors running onto the balcony and staring down at Payton and Malfoy stood face to face in the middle of the ballroom floor both of them had their wands pointing directly at one another. Riddle was also stood looking down over the balcony his face concealed, he glanced at me before raising his hand. This seemed to be signal enough for Malfoy as he e screamed, "Avada Kedavra!"

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