Chapter Seventeen- A Prefect's duty

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Though still bright and the air quiet warm, autumn was certainly making its presence known, the leaves on the trees had turned deep shades of auburn, gold and damson and had started to fall making their brittle carpet across the ground, the warmth of sunrise now later and the sunset came with haste. October was one of my favourite times of year, it was a time of peace, of calm, their was something beautiful in the growth and decay, I guess I always found beauty in the dark. 

I sat in the courtyard enjoying the crisp evening air, letting my legs swing off of the side of the stone barricade I sat upon, my thoughts drifted around in my head, Tom, Quidditch, my friends, my Father... My solitude was not to last however as Lazarus walked across the courtyard towards me looking purposeful. 
"Lazarus," I acknowledged with a small smile, "You look like you're on a mission," I added, 
"I am," He replied, "A mission to get you," he smiled,
"To get me?" I questioned curiously,
"Mmm hmm,  Wiglaf said that him and Tom have something to tell us," he held out a hand for me to take, as I readied myself to jump off of my perch, I smirked at him and jumped off myself, 
he smirked retracting his helping hand and holding it up in mock defense. 
"Come on then better not keep the Generals waiting," I laughed, 

We stepped through  the larges doors together once more, there sat inside waiting for us as I expected were Tom and Wiglaf, both of which looked unamused, Wiglaf sat in one of the armchairs looking in thought, one hand supporting his chin, while Tom leaned against on the armchairs, his hands resting in his pockets. 
We both took a seat silently on the large comfortable leather sofa and looked expectantly at our elders to talk, 
Wiglaf straightened himself up, I felt dread raising in my chest now. What in Merlin's name had happened, had someone been hurt or worse... my stomach was doing loops. I glanced over at Lazarus who also looked apprehensive. 
"We have just been to our first official Prefect meeting." Wiglaf began gravely, me and Lazarus merely exchanged nervous looks before fixing our gaze back upon Wiglaf, 
"They were talking about Halloween," he continued, their was so much bitterness in his voice listening to him was almost like chewing on a fresh lemon. 
"Halloween?" said Lazarus curiously, "What's so bad about Halloween?" 
"Oh no not bad, pointless! Utterly pointless, some of us have OWL's coming up this year and some of our elders have their NEWTS. There is no time, it is completely unnecessary." Wiglaf had started off now, his temples were pulsating under the stress. 
"Sorry I'm not following," I added, "Halloween's pointless?" I was completely confused, I thought that maybe Wiglaf had finely cracked under the pressure of his studies. 
I heard Tom sigh heavily, and he walked forward throwing a piece of parchment into my lap. 

I picked it up hesitantly and held it between me and Lazarus so that we could both read it,
I scoffed and Lazarus's eyes went wide,

"A Halloween masquerade ball," I stated raising an eyebrow, 

"You two are unbelievable, acting like someone has died over a party," Lazarus  breathed,

"You're missing the point, me and Tom are Prefects now and so have been lumbered with the job of helping to organise it!" Wigalaf looked positively scandalised.

"I did not agree to becoming a Prefect with the expectation of party planning," Tom spat out through gritted teeth, I looked between the two of them in disbelief, so alike and yet so different,

"Here, here," Wiglaf mumbled,

"No you both signed up just to look down on the little folk and confiscate Fanged Frisbee's," Lazarus smirked, Wiglaf fixed him with a trying look, Tom however smirked,

"Oh why you have mentioned it, I much prefer to confiscate spell correcting quills, hand it over, Laz,"

Lazarus's face went blank, his mouth hanging slightly open, quivering as if he was on the cusp of an excuse, Tom however held out his hand and twitched his fingers expectantly. Lazarus reluctantly delved into his school bag and retrieved a long white quill, he stuffed it into Tom's outstretched hand,

"How did you find out?" He grumbled sulkily,

"I have my ways," Tom relied, continuing to smirk. The quill in his hand suddenly disappeared in a small puff of white smoke, Lazarus looked at the spot on Tom's hand were it had been with a forlorn look.

"Anyway Lazarus's rule breaking aside, back to your other Prefect duties, what are your plans then for this grand ball?" I grinned, as I saw Tom's smirk drop off of his face to be replaced by a look of pure loathing.

"I don't have any. I am far too busy for this nonsense," Wiglaf scoffed,

"Have you ever thought that it could be fun? A small break from studying?" I asked,

"Fun," Tom said the word with as much contempt as he could muster, "Let me see, a whole great hall filled with rowdy hormonal teenagers, crowded dance floors, spilled drinks and petty arguments, sounds wonderful," he continued, I laughed,

"When you put it like that," I grinned, "How about a night to spend together not planning world peace or studying, a night of dressing up, listening to music and dancing, eating good food and letting off some steam all to celebrate Halloween," I reworded,

"Exactly!" Lazarus added hastily,

"I'm sorry had you meant to improve its appeal?" Tom asked an eyebrow raised, I rolled my eyes at him.

"I give up. Look it's happening, the Professors and head girl and boy have decided it and you as Prefects have the duty of organisation," I concluded, Wiglaf looked to be sulking at this point, why Tom just looked irritated,

"And the duty to attend," Lazarus added looking smug, "So that means that neither of you will be wheedling your way out of this one and that me and Grisha will see you there. You never know Tom event planning could be your calling," Lazarus laughed,

"You're right Laz, if it is I will make sure the next spectacular event I plan will be your funeral," Tom replied, Lazarus pursed his lips.

"Oooo," he replied playfully, 

A week or so had passed and it was now the day of the big event. Tom and Wiglaf had, had to attend many Prefect meetings in regards to the ball, Tom had looked furious almost every time that I saw him (which was not often, as he seemed to disappear sometimes days at time without so much as a word), why Wiglaf looked completely uncomfortable about the whole event.

I leaned against the large doors leading into the Great Hall, a large  smirk on my face. Wiglaf and Tom along with the other Prefects, Head boy and girl and the many of the Professors including the Deputy Headmaster and Transfiguration Professor, Dumbledore were all busy setting up the hall for the big night. Well most of them were busy, Wiglaf looked confused and out of place as he helped a seventh year Hufflepuff Prefect by the name of Charlotte Clearwater levitate some black streamers into the air, while Tom stood sulkily to the side pretending to read off of a list on a piece of parchment yet looking like he wished to be anywhere but here. I chuckled to myself,

"Look sharp Tom we have a party to throw in just a few hours, come over here and help me to add the cobwebs." Professor Dumbledore called, a certain glint in his eyes that suggested he was enjoying himself a little too much. Tom looked if possible even more restless, as he nodded his head courteously as he strode over to Dumbledore, wand out in hand ready to aid with the decorations.

"Ah, ah, ah out of here Miss McLaggen, you don't want to spoil it for yourself, by the time you return back here this evening you wont even recognise the Great Hall," Professor Slughorn had spotted me in my spying nook by the doors, and was wagging a fat disapproving finger at me, ruining the effect with a smile and a wink. I pulled a mischievous smile and slid away out of the doors, although I had been enjoying watching Tom and Wiglaf suffer it was almost time for me to start getting ready, I had promised Amber that I would help her with her hair as she was determined to make tonight the night that her date with Florian would end in the start of a romantic relationship. Myself, Lazarus, Tom and Wiglaf had all agreed to meet up as friends, which I couldn't have been more relieved about, I was certainly not in any rush to date, all of the boys I knew were far to immature for that, I could do without the drama, having three close boyfriends such as Tom, Wiglaf and Lazarus together was drama enough already. 

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