Chapter Ten: Something isn't Right Here

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When I woke, I felt Connor's arm tighten around my waist due to my movements. Or maybe because he wanted to.

Yeah, that's likely.

I smiled to myself, slowly turning around so I could face him.

My green eyes met his chocolate brown ones, and I swore I could see emotions flicker through his.

"Did you watch me sleep all night?" I teased, unable to keep the grin off of my face.

"Yes." Connor replied honestly, his fingers on my waist gently caressing the skin there. "You looked very... peaceful."

"You being here helped." I admitted, blushing slightly as I gazed into his eyes.

Connor was silent for a moment as he continued to stare at me.

"And... you look very beautiful when you sleep."

I felt my cheeks turn red from his compliment, "Oh, thank — thank you, Connor."

"May I ask a personal question?" Connor's voice was quiet, making me frown slightly.

"Of course you can, Connor." I smiled, reaching my hand up to caress his cheek.

"Why do you treat me like I'm human?"

I bit my lip in concentration as I pondered his question. "I treat you like a human because that's what I see you as." I replied honestly, smiling softly. "I never, for one second have ever saw you as anything but living."

"I'm a machine." Connor said quietly, staring at me, almost as if he was fighting internally with himself.

"Not to me." I admitted, blushing more as I sat up. "You're more than that to me, Connor."

He was silent for a moment, then I noticed his indicator blinked a few times

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He was silent for a moment, then I noticed his indicator blinked a few times.

"I must leave." Connor said after a moment, his expression unreadable.

"Oh, right, you have work." I frowned slightly, "Yeah, I guess you should probably go." I forced a smile as I walked with him to the door. "The world needs you."

I let out a small breath as I watched him fix his tie.

"Connor?" I said as he stepped through the door way.

"Yes?" He looked back at me for a moment, that same unreadable expression on his face.

I leaned up, kissing his cheek gently. "Thank you for staying with me."

"You don't need to thank me." Connor blinked at me a few times, "Have a good day, Tasha."

I frowned slightly as he turned to walk away. I enjoyed spending time alone with him — it was rare to not have Hank teasing us. It was nice.

I was taken away from my thoughts as Connor turned back to me, leaning down to brush his lips ever so slightly against my cheek.

When he pulled back, Connor had the most adorable smile on his face... it was rare for him to smile, and when he did it was never like this.

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