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Hey everyone! I know a lot of you are interested in watching me stream not only Detroit but a number of other games as well. I will play through DBH entirely, then I will attempt other games.

Now the best time for me to stream so far is 12pm pst (sometimes earlier) and it seems like the consensus is that's an ok time for most people.

I will stream Detroit at this time on each day I play so it's convenient for as many people as possible.

After DBH is done (we will come back and do other choices eventually) A majority of people have said they'd like to watch me play Until Dawn, so that's next up as our main streams after Detroit.

I am also currently playing The Last of Us, and will continue to stream it in the evenings for me. Now, this time is inconvenient for most of you, but since I play detroit during the day I don't have an opportunity to play anything else until night.

If you miss any of the streams, they are available to watch on your own time.

If you have any game suggestions you'd like me to stream, let me know! I'll be playing games I own first of all, because I have no money for anything right now. But I have a ton of games we can stream :)

If you haven't already, please follow my twitch tashaplays1998 , or

A new chapter will be up tomorrow! :)

I hope I'll see some of you on TLOU stream tonight! I'll make a post in the book to let you know.

Thank you guys so much for all your support. I love you!

Your boi,


Detroit: Become Human | Connor x OCWhere stories live. Discover now