Chapter 103

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Once the two men came out from the door, it unlocked every passage to get to Tasha. Connor and Gavin were the first through the corridor, rushing to catch up to her.



Before Tasha could turn towards the cold voice a shot rang out, clipping her shoulder. Tasha cried in pain as she fell to the ground, grabbing at her injured shoulder. She quickly focussed on the man standing above her, moving his hands to her neck, squeezing roughly. Those blue eyes were cold as he continued to squeeze as Tasha fought again him.


Tasha gasped for air, forcing her body to push against his, sending him falling back while she scrambled to her feet.

"You truly are pathetic." RK900 laughed darkly.

Tasha and the Android fought viciously, each getting punched and kicked by the other. As RK900 pointed his pistol at her she dodged, knocking it out of his hands before he tackled her to the floor once more. Tasha was smart though, and kicked him hard in the face. Hard enough he flew back a few feet as Tasha scrambled to their guns lying on the ground.

"Are you going to kill me, Tasha?" RK900 smiled evilly at her. "You believe androids are living beings — would you really kill a living being? You are a weak, stupid, pathetic little girl."

"I'm the stupid little girl who's going to put a bullet through your fucking head, motherfucker." Tasha's fingers ghosted the triggers, but before she could pull them, a loud screech went off in the intercoms.

Tasha screamed, falling to the ground as the sound caused her to seize, her body convulsing violently against the ground before her body halted its movements. Her eyes opened in a daze for a moment, but she could not move.

As Tasha felt herself losing consciousness, RK900 knelt in front of her, grabbing his gun from the floor

"You're ready."

A/N: Ooh What's RK900 up to?! Would Tasha have shot him if the sirens didn't go off? I hope you enjoyed :3 I'm loving this plotline so so much

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