Chapter 102: Forgiveness

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The group tried everything they could to get the door open, but nothing would work. Connor was frantically trying to find a way inside via the walls while Gavin was trying to use force to open it.

"There has to be something!" Gavin said in frustration. "You're androids for Christ sakes!"

"The security office is down the hall." North said as she looked at the digital plans in her hands. "Maybe we can unlock it?"

When they entered the room, it was deserted. There were dozens of screens in the room — all of them with images of Tasha on it.

"What the hell?"

There were photos from her entire life — childhood until adulthood.

"Why do they care so much about Tasha? What do they want with her?" Gavin spoke up from one of the consoles.

"They've been tracking her throughout her entire life." Connor said as he scanned through the images on the screen. "They didn't kill Tasha because they needed her alive."

"Needed her for what?" Hank asked, noticing that the photos now showed Tasha at the precinct. There were photos of Tasha with Hank, Chris and the other detectives, but there were a few more... intimate photos of Tasha and Gavin clearly flirting with one another before Connor was there.

Connor watched the screens, fear bubbly in his chest as the photos shifted to when Connor arrived, then multiple photos after that up until present day. The photos then faded to what looked like a current feed of the security cameras.

"Look! There's Tasha!"

Everyone raced to the screen North was in front of, all eyes watching Tasha in a small corridor. They heard a loud siren going off. They watched Tasha run to the door, the lasers turning on once it closed.

"Christ!" Hank wiped the sweat from his face, trying to remain calm.

"Holy shit! We have to get to her!" Gavin and Markus began looking at the security board, frantically trying to find the key to unlock the door that separated Tasha from them

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"Holy shit! We have to get to her!" Gavin and Markus began looking at the security board, frantically trying to find the key to unlock the door that separated Tasha from them.

Connor stood frozen as he stared at the footage of Tasha, just barely surviving by dodging the lasers. You can do this, Tasha. You need to. He hoped his words reached her, but he couldn't feel her so he doubted it. I can't lose her. I should never have let her do this. Connor felt his heart nearly stop when the lasers came very close to her neck.


Markus hit a button, watching the lasers turn off and the door in the room Tasha was in opened. Tasha ran through the door to safety, allowing Connor to feel slightly relieved.

"All we can do now is help her from here." Markus stated. "The doors can only be unlocked from the inside."


Tasha held her pistol tight in her right hand as she walked through the corridor, which ending up leading to a large room. Tasha peaked inside, noticing two men standing by a computer screen, which held images of her parents on them.

Tasha barged into the room, pointing her gun at them. "TURN AROUND WITH YOUR ARMS UP!"

The men did as she asked, looking st her with nothing but fear on their faces. "Please, don't do this!"

"Shut up!" Tasha glared, but as she looked at the men Tasha felt a memory spark in her brain.

I know them.

How do I know them?

Everything clicked into place as her hand shook, her finger ghosting the trigger.

"You — you killed my parents!"

"Please, they made us!"

"My parents trusted you!" Tasha stepped towards them, her eyes no longer green but instead was mainly black as anger fuelled her. "Why?! Why would you kill them?!"

"CyberLife knew they were going to be a problem! Please, they threatened our families!"

"You killed my family!" Tasha screamed, nearing the men enough to hold the gun against one of their foreheads. "You fucking monsters!"

Tasha pressed her finger to the trigger, glaring at the two men who were pleading for their lives.

Slowly, Tasha lowered her gun. "Go. Get the fuck out of here before I change my mind. If you run from the cops, I will kill you."

"Thank you, thank you." The men ran from the room, allowing Tasha to take a deep breath as tears rose in her eyes.

I did the right thing...


A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thought I'd post two chapters for y'all :3


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