Chapter 111: Aced It

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Studying with Gavin turned out to be a pleasant experience for Tasha. Connor and Hank ended up having a mission they had to go on, so while they did that Gavin helped Tasha study.

"No, see here, right?" Gavin was pointing to the paper, attempting to explain more things to her. "You just need to think of it in a scenario that makes sense to you."

Tasha smiled as she nodded. "Okay..."

Gavin wrote out a copy of the pretest, handing it to her with a smile. "You're smart, Tash. I know you've got this."

Tasha was able to finish the test a lot faster than she expected, which usually wasn't a good sign. But as Gavin began to correct it, she felt success when she didn't get any questions wrong.

"See? You know this stuff!" Gavin patted her back.

"Thanks for helping me, Gav."


When Tasha took the test the next day, she was floored with how easy the questions were.

Huh, I guess Gavin's teaching paid off...

Connor and Hank were busy with their mission by the time Tasha came out of the room with a smile on her face.


Gavin walked to her, curiosity shining on his face. "How did it go?"

"Oh, you know, just one hundred percent!" She grinned at him, holding the paper up for him to see.

Gavin grinned, wrapping his arms around her waist before hugging her tight, lifting her off the ground enthusiastically. Tasha laughed as he set her down, pulling back to grin up at him.

"Maybe you're not such a bad teacher after all."

Gavin held Tasha longer than he should, his grey eyes gazing down into hers. Tasha blushed before pulling away, but before she could put the paper in her pocket someone grabbed her hand.

Tasha grinned, turning around to see Connor standing there with a cheeky grin, holding the test paper up to his face. "It appears I've arrived just in time to congratulate you, my darling."

Tasha leaned up on her tip toes, brushing her lips against his. "I missed you, dork. How did your assignment go?"

"It went according to plan. How has your day been?"

"Work was fine! Gavin did all the paperwork so I could study." Tasha smiled at Gavin who was standing against the wall with his hands in his pockets, trying not to focus on the couple. "Thanks to Gavin I aced the test!"

"Nah, you coulda done it on your own, but thanks." Gavin smiled slightly at her, before noticing Connor wrapping an arm around Tasha's waist.

"I think a celebration is in order. I'll make you dinner. Anything you'd like."

"Okay! I'll go get my purse and then we can go." Tasha hurried off to grab her things, leaving Connor and Gavin alone.

"It was nice of you to do all the paperwork so she didn't have to."

Gavin shrugged, but as he was going to leave a thought hit him.

"Hey Connor?"


"Have you noticed anything weird going on with Tasha?"

At this Connor turned his full attention to Gavin, "She has been on edge these last few weeks, but whatever it is she either won't acknowledge it or doesn't notice it."

Gavin nodded, "There's times where she'll be having a conversation but she just stares forward, like she's somewhere else. It reminds me of when you would contact CyberLife."

Connor hummed in agreement. "These symptoms seem to have started ever since her encounter with RK900. Perhaps while she was away from us he did something. For now I think the best course of action is to wait. If we pressure her, it may cause more adverse affects."

Before Gavin could respond the duo could hear Tasha's footsteps getting closer. "What are you two talking about?"

"Just how crazy you are." Gavin teased. "I gotta go. I'll pick you up tomorrow. Bright and early."

Tasha pouted her lips at him, "Gah. First off, you're a meanie, annnd you better bring me something to drink with caffeine."

"No promises, Shorty." Gavin winked as he left the couple alone.

"Oh! So I was looking at wedding venues today." Tasha smiled as she wrapped her arm around Connor's.

"Were you?"


"I have as well. Except my idea is a bit more personal than any of the venues we'd find in the city."

"Alright, Mr.Romantic," Tasha teased as they neared the car. "Where would you like us to have our wedding?"

Connor gave her a chaste kiss before smiling lovingly at her.

"I thought we could get married in the forest where I proposed."

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry if there's errors, it's hard for me to edit and read

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