Chapter Ninty: Forever Awaits Us

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It had been two weeks since we got Connor back, and we had been working non stop for a few days. The only person who agreed with me on going after CyberLife was North, but since we didn't have a majority vote we lost. I wasn't happy about their decision, and I knew eventually I'd have to go on my own to stop CyberLife. But for now, I decided to live my life.

I was depressed about the murders constantly, but Connor was right — if I lingered on the subject too long I'd become lost in a sea of remorse and regret that I'd drown in. But the look in those innocent peoples eyes...

Couples in the office had been getting engaged frequently as of late, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel jealous of the women able to marry their significant others. Even if Connor and I ever wanted to, we'd have to jump through so many hoops and go to the government and even then we still might not be able to. But at least I was able to be with Connor, and things were finally becoming peaceful. For the moment, it was what I had recalled life to be like prior to Deviants and CyberLife meddling. It was calm and peaceful, but so much warmer with Connor by my side.

3rd Person POV

Work had been steady the past few days, leaving Tasha exhausted and usually ready for bed by the time they got home. Connor didn't mind in the slightest, he enjoyed when she would get a good nights rest.

But today was different.

Connor noticed Tasha's eyes light up as one of the coworkers showed her a wedding ring on her finger. She inspected it, "It's beautiful!" He overheard her say, "Congratulations!"

Connor pondered the idea of marriage. He hadn't thought much about it. He was happy with the way things were now, but the way Tasha's eyes lingered on the ring with a desire he couldn't quite pinpoint made his thoughts journey to the possibilities ahead of him.

After everything that had happened, he wanted to give her this. This human experience that he wondered if she would want with him. If she did, he would gladly give her whatever she wished for.

Tasha sighed dreamily as she watched the couple walk away, the sound drawing Connor in.

"Are you alright?" Connor asked as he leaned against her desk, his eyes fixed on her, analyzing her intensely.

Tasha smiled, nodding as she looked up at him. "Yeah, I'm just happy for them. Weddings are beautiful."

Connor felt perplexed. He had never experienced a wedding, but from what he had seen in the romantic movies Tasha made him watch, it signified a union between a couple and celebrates their love. The idea that he could give her that experience made his insides feel warm.

"I forgot, you've never been to one." Tasha laughed gently, "I mean, you saw the one in Twilight, it's like that just with less werewolves and more family drama."

Connor thought on this a moment. "Have you been to a wedding?"

Tasha shook her head. "No. I mean I went to my parents wedding when I was a year old, but it's not like I can remember that." She chuckled, "Why do you ask?"

"You just seemed very interested in their wedding." Connor said, watching for Tasha's body responses, analyzing her intently without making to blatantly obvious.

Tasha's smile faltered the tiniest bit, "Well, yeah, I mean weddings are a big deal. Well, some people don't think so, but I like weddings."

"Can you elaborate?"

"Well, lots of people just get married by a judge. No ceremony. I mean I'm not one for going crazy over anything but if it were my wedding I'd want to share it with the ones I love not just get it on a piece of paper, y'know?"

Connor didn't know, but he nodded anyway. "When do couples typically become engaged?"

Tasha shrugged, "I've known of people who've gotten engaged days after they meet, and some years later. It just depends on the couple I guess." Tasha smiled. Connor knew she didn't understand why he was asking about these things, which put him at ease because he wanted to surprise her.

That evening Connor researched Marriages and Proposals. The concept wasn't hard for him to understand, but if he was ever going to do this he wanted to do it right.

She deserves the best.

So she will receive the best.

A/N: your comments keep this story alive 💜🙌🏻 I've had major writers block for this plot line coming up, buuuuuuuut I've thought of future plot lines I think y'all are gonna enjoy
:3 If you have any scenes or story lines you'd like me to write in with Tasha and Connor let me know!

Alsooooo! What should we name RK900 if he maybe becomes a major character down the road? (Anything BUT Connor or Conner) Give me ideas and we can poll which we all like best :3

I'm gonna be real with you all. I'm not in a good mental place. But writing and makeup brings me What little joy I have in life so I keep doing both. It's hard on me when I'm not inspired by either because then I feel stuck. Having so many of you love and support me is just amazing and I love you all so much.

I'll talk more about my issues in another A/N down the line but for now I bid thee adeu (I think that's how you say it? XD)

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