Chapter Sixty-Four: War of Hearts

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Tasha's POV

After the previous evening with Connor, I found myself going over the events in my mind over and over again. The way Connor kissed me — the way his hands glided over my body...

Laying in bed with him in silence was pure ecstasy.

It was enchanting.

The way it felt to be so close to him —


I didn't feel anything.

"Come here, lover boy. I need your help with this." I called, smiling to myself when he wheeled over with his chair, moving it next to mine.

"What do you need?"

As I began to explain the situation to him, Connor rested his hand on my leg. I tried to pretend like I didn't care, but as he began slowly tracing his fingers along my thighs I felt my face heat up.

Connor leaned into me, looking at the computer screen but I knew his attention was on me. As he began to explain something, what I have no idea because his hand gripped my thigh harder, his fingers achingly close to my heat which was now pulsing for him.

Nope. Not happening.

When I went to grab his hand and move it away from my thigh, Connor simply held my hand in his, causing me to roll my eyes.

He was becoming extremely bold with his affection towards me. Whatever angle he was playing at, was working.

"Smooth, Connor."

Maybe a kiss wouldn't hurt...

Yes, it would.

He's too close. He's going to bring it all back. It's not just happy feelings — pain and suffering.

I was brought out of my thoughts as folders were dropped onto my desk.

"Tasha, this assignment pertains to Connor and yourself."

I turned to the Captain, raising my eyebrows slightly

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I turned to the Captain, raising my eyebrows slightly. Connor let go of my hand, allowing me to question Fowler. "What about Hank?"

"Hank has the day off." Connor said simply.

"Are you sure you have no one else who can do this assignment, I'm not sure it's really up our —"

"It's directly involving CyberLife."


Captain Fowler left the file on my desk, leaving Connor and I alone as I flipped through the case file.

I sighed in defeat, turning to look at Connor. "This is the first real lead we've had in a long time. I wonder how CyberLife slipped up..."

"I'm not sure. Possibly hired mercenaries to do their dirty work."

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