Chapter Eighty Five: Dreamer

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Tasha sighed contently, listening to the thumping of Connor's heart. "That was.. you were — you've rendered me speechless."

"That's new. Usually you can never keep your mouth quiet." He teased, tracing circles on her bare skin.

"Don't be mean, maybe I'll ask North to stay longer." Tasha smirked, "But you don't have to be jealous, Connor. You know that, right?"

Connor let out a soft sigh, pulling her closer into his chest. "I apologize that I have been... possessive today. I just — I'm very used to having all of your attention, and if I'm being honest I don't like having to share you with others."

Tasha pulled back to gaze at him, "You were definitely being possessive, but it's natural to be like that when our entire time of being together we've had each other, and never have we really had anyone else take away from that."

"I know North is your friend, and I will attempt to be more... polite when it comes to you being around her. But please be careful— North is a very reckless person —"

"I'm well aware, Con. I believe she was telling Markus to take out the humans and start a war. But she isn't just all anger and fight, she's really nice and it's fun spending time with her. Plus, I'm trying to get her and Markus together."

Connor narrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Why would you be trying to get them together?"

"Oh my god, please don't tell me you haven't noticed!"

"Noticed what?"

Tasha shook her head in disbelief. "North practically swoons when Markus enters the room. She tries to be a tough bitch about it but I can see right through that bullshit act."

"I haven't noticed anything more than friendship between them. Perhaps North's admiration of Markus as their leader but that's all."

"That's because you don't noticed these things, Connor." Tasha sighed, tracing her fingers along his jawline. "I think North thinks Markus likes me which is absurd! Markus and I are friends —"

"Markus' heart rate elevates when you enter a room." Connor said as he tried to remember the last encounter they all had together.

Tasha laughed, "Bullshit. Markus doesn't like me as anything more than a friend, plus if he did wouldn't you be up his ass about it since North is just my friend and you're being all possessive about that."

"That is different. I'd like to think of Markus as my friend as well, and I may have spoken to him regarding this before."

Tasha blinked a few times. "What do you mean?"

"I told Markus that I knew of his feelings for you, and he assured me that he wouldn't ever try anything."

"It's probably just a crush." Tasha shrugged, "It'll die out fast."

"Doubtful," Connor hummed as he sat up, pulling her with him. "I don't believe anyone could quit liking you."

"Pssh okay name one person we know who—"


Tasha sighed deeply, "That's different and you know it."

Connor trailed his lips along her bare shoulder slowly. "I do not see how it's any different, my love."

"It just is. But, either way —  you don't have to worry about either of them."

"I am aware. You're not attracted to them."

Tasha smiled slightly, "They're not ugly but neither are really my type. I mean even with Gavin not being as much of an ass, I have no clue how long it'll be until he resorts back to being a fucking dick."

Tasha shook her head as she tried to remember what they were initially talking about. "We get off topic really easily."

Connor chuckled, "That's because you talk a lot."

"Ummmm, that's rude!" Tasha stuck her tongue out at him as she turned her back to him, laying on her opposite side.

"You're adorable when you attempt to be upset with me." Connor wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her back flush against him.

Tasha said nothing, biting her tongue to make sure she stayed quiet.

"Nothing to say?" Connor chuckled as he began to kiss the side of her neck. "That is a first."

"You're an asshole!" Tasha couldn't hold back any longer, her words playful but she yelled them out to him.

"You love me though." Connor pulled her into a kiss once she turned to face him.

"Yes, I do love you."


Connor was pleased when North said she wouldn't be staying to help Tasha any longer due to her duties back at Jericho. While Tasha was a little bummed out by the news, Connor tried to keep her mood elevated.

"I know you're feeling a bit down because of North having to leave, so I wanted to see if you'd like to visit Jericho this evening. I'm sure you'd also enjoy seeing Markus again."

Tasha grinned at him.

"I'd love that, Con."

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed! Things are about to get intense so saddle up. Your comments keep me writing. I'm still in a lot of pain from the seizure so idk how much I'll be posting but we'll see

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