Chapter Five: Contents Under Pressure

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Tasha's POV

I gasped for air as I knelt on the ground, the cars speeding by just a few feet from us. Connor was holding onto my arm, his grasp tighter than I had expected.

Connor managed to grab me seconds before I would've been run over by the vehicle.

"I could've got them, Connor!" I yelled at him after I caught my breath, tugging on my arm.

"No. You would've gotten yourself killed." Connor replied, I noticed then that his blinker was a dull yellow shade rather than the normal blue.

Connor was right. I knew it, and so did he. He would've calculated my speed. He would've seen the likely hood of my success.

I sighed deeply, "Connor..." I looked up at him, gazing into his brown eyes. "You're right... I just— I thought I could do it... and I don't want CyberLife to take you away..." I shook my head, looking away from him. "I've lost everyone... and I can't lose you too."

•Connor's POV•

Software Instability

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Software Instability

Connor was silent as his grasp on her arm loosened, instead moving his hand to brush his fingers under her chin. He felt his metallic heart skip a beat, something he noticed happened whenever he was around her. It happened increasingly as they spent more time together, and Connor was certain there was something wrong in his software. But he liked the feeling. He shouldn't be able to feel anything — but it felt nice.

"Don't worry about that right now." Connor replied, looking into her green eyes. "We'll get them."

"You're damaged." Connor grabbed her arm gently as he analyzed he scrapes on her hand.

"I'll be fine, Connor." Tasha smiled at him, her green eyes sparkling as it began to rain.

Connor found himself smiling at Tasha, pulling her up from the ground. "We should get back."

Tasha just nodded, leaning her head back to look up at the sky. As the rain fell on her face, she smiled. "I love the rain." She told him, glancing over at him into his brown eyes. "It's beautiful."

"Yes..." Connor replied, smiling softly as he watched her. "It is."


A/N: IM SORRY ITS SO SHORT! I'm trying to update whenever I can. Please leave any comments, suggestions or love 💜 thanks for reading! Any suggestions on scenes I should write with Connor + Tasha?! Let me knowwwww!!!!

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