Chapter 113: Rogue

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While Tasha and Gavin were driving towards a location that they had been tipped off about, she felt herself slipping away each moment she kept her eyes open. She could feel— whatever it was— inside of her like a disease, slowly — no, rapidly— consuming her. Tasha was brought out of her thoughts as her phone rang.

"Hey Connor." She smiled as soon as she heard his soft voice.

"Hello Darling. Hank and I got done early, as such I am going to head home. Is there anything you need, my love?"

"You two are so gross." Hank mumbled in the background just loud enough for Tasha to hear.

"It's called love, Hank! Try it sometime." Tasha called out into the phone, smiling when she heard Hank grumbling on in the background.

"No, I think I'm good. We just have one more place to stop then we should be done."

"I am glad to hear that. I will see you when you get home, Tasha. I love you, very much."

Tasha smiled, leaning her head against the car window. "I love you too, Connor."


Tasha gasped as she came to, her body laying on the ground of a falling apart looking house. The room she was in was dark, light barely shining in through the boarded windows.

How did I get here?

Where am I?

Tasha scrambled to her feet, her heart racing as she tried to remember how she got there. Her last memory was speaking to Connor on the phone. Tasha quickly pulled out her cell. "That was three hours ago!"

Tasha began to panic, "What's happening to me? Why can't I remember?! Why do I feel like I'm drowning?" Tasha was screaming and crying.

"Tasha?! What's wrong?!"

Tasha immediately ran to Gavin, wrapping her arms tightly around him. "Gavin! —"

Before Tasha could speak again, she faded into darkness as Rogue took over

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Before Tasha could speak again, she faded into darkness as Rogue took over.


Rogue was everything Tasha didn't want to be. Cold, vindictive, hostile, cruel, but also heartless. She held no care for anyone, and she wouldn't stop until her mission was complete. The more the virus took over Tasha, the stronger Rogue became, because Rogue was a mental embodiment of the virus itself.

Rogue only held on as long as she needed. She knew when to take Tasha over, and when to let Tasha think she was in control. By the time Rogue got home, she had gotten the information she needed and let Tasha come back as she stepped through the front door.

"Hello, darling!"

Tasha blinked a few times, slightly dazed as she looked at Connor, who had a cheery smile on his face.

"Hey Connor." Tasha replied weakly, her body aching and tired.

He immediately noticed something was wrong. One of his hands held her waist while the other went to her face. "Tasha? What's wrong?"

"I... I'm just so tired, Con." She said softly as she leaned against him. "Can you carry me to bed?"

"Of course, my love." Connor picked her up, "I'll take care of you."

Tasha smiled slightly when Connor set her on the ground, looking at her worriedly. "Don't worry so much, Con. I'm sure it's fine."

Connor didn't agree, but he smiled softly as he pulled her into a hug.

"I love you, Tasha." Connor said quietly as he held her close.

In an instant Tasha was gone and in her place Rogue's dark eyes appeared

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In an instant Tasha was gone and in her place Rogue's dark eyes appeared.

"I love you too."


A/N: Two chapters because I'm so hyped to see all of your comments! I've been feeling really down about the story so when you guys tell me I'm doing well and I'm writing better each chapter 💜💜

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