Chapter Fifty: Don't Let Me Go

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Walking into my house was like entering it after my parents died. It felt wrong. Like it wasn't real.

But it is real.

Why do I feel like this? I was dead and now I'm alive... I should be happy...

But I'm not.

"Are you okay?"

As Connor spoke these words I felt my entire composure fail, the tears that had been threatening to fall pouring out like a river meeting the ocean

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As Connor spoke these words I felt my entire composure fail, the tears that had been threatening to fall pouring out like a river meeting the ocean.

As Connor spoke these words I felt my entire composure fail, the tears that had been threatening to fall pouring out like a river meeting the ocean

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"Everything feels wrong, Connor." I sobbed as he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close. "I... I feel like I can't breathe! It's all too much!"

"Hey, it'll be okay." He pulled back to look at me, holding my face in his hands. "Just breathe, Tasha. I'm here, okay? I'm not going anywhere."

"I was so scared, Connor." I was trying so hard to keep my composure but it all fell away as I sobbed harder against him. "I... Everything is coming back and I fucking hate it! It hurts so much..."

"You haven't lost me

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"You haven't lost me." Connor pulled back, holding onto my face as he smiled at me. "You'll never lose me. I will always love you. It's okay to feel these things, Tasha."

I couldn't help but laugh at the situation as the tears continued to fall down my face. "I'm supposed to be the one helping you cope with all your emotions."

Connor brushed my tears away, pulling me to sit with him on the couch, his arms wrapped around me and my head on his chest. "You do help me cope with my emotions."

"I can't be doing much of a good job if this is how I turned out."

I heard Connor chuckle, "You've always been an emotional person... that's just heightened now due to your confusion and fears. It will take time, but I'm sure it will get better, Tasha." Connor kissed my head, rubbing my back soothingly. "I love you. And I will be here every step of the way."

"Thank you, Connor."

I leaned up, kissing his lips gently, unable to keep the smile off my face

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I leaned up, kissing his lips gently, unable to keep the smile off my face. "I love you so much."

Connor smiled in return, "I believe I love you more."

I rolled my eyes, "Are we really going to be that cliche couple?" I couldn't help but lean into his touch, craving more.

It was in that moment I heard meowing by my feet.

"Kitties!" I grinned as I pulled my youngest kitten onto my lap, cuddling it closer — though all of my cats hated to be held, they seemed very accepting currently.

"I think they missed you." Connor smiled, rubbing one of the others under the chin. "I told you I made sure they were fed and had fresh water daily."

I smiled at him with adoration. "How did I get so lucky to have you as my life partner?"

"I should be asking that about you, my love." Connor wrapped his arms around my waist as the cats left us alone. "I don't know what I would've done if I lost you forever — that's not true, I do know what I would've done but —"

"Connor, you don't have to worry about that. Not now, not ever. I'm here to stay. Nothing can tear us apart."

A/N: I'm sorry this was short but I hope you enjoyed!!!! Any suggestions? Let me know :)

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