Chapter 114: Please Stop You're Scaring Me

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Tasha tapped her fingers against the car door impatiently as Gavin drove towards the precinct. The job they had been on lasted a few hours longer than initially expected, so both were late getting back to the station. The black outs were occurring more frequently, and Tasha had begun noticing strange things popping up into her head.


There was silence as her eyes stared forward, not looking at anything in particular as she drummed her fingers against the door.


Tasha blinked a few times. Her face flushed as she took a deep breath.

Fuck, it happened again!

"Sorry, Gav. What were you saying?"

Gavin glanced over at her as he continued to drive. "I was asking if you wanted to stop and get something to eat."

Tasha nodded, "Yeah, why not."

Tasha checked her phone, frowning when she realized Connor hadn't tried to text her all day. Not even a single hello. Gavin noticed the look on her face and frowned. The last few weeks Tasha's mental health had been decreasing. She tried to hide it but he could tell just from how she held herself, and the more obvious zoning out that she wasn't doing well.

"Hey, I'm sure that Connor and Hank just had a busy day like us and didn't have time to say anything."

Tasha smiled a little at Gavin's attempt to be caring, "Yeah, you're probably right."

However, when they arrived at the precinct Tasha felt her heart sink as she saw some lady in a mini skirt leaning against Connor's desk, her hand touching his shoulder. Tasha's blood boiled in her body as she stalked over to them. Gavin had been behind her a few paces but when he saw the rage on her face he tried to grab her, but was too late.

"What the fuck is this?"

Connor blinked a few times, looking up at Tasha. "Oh, Tasha, I—"

Tasha slapped him hard across the face. "Fuck you."

She turned to the blonde slut who was sat there with a smirk on her face. "Haven't you heard, androids are better?"

Oh, so she is an Android slut.

Connor was stunned as he tried to figure out what was going on and why Tasha was so upset. The girl had just been asking him questions and he had been answering.

Tasha wasted no time to grab on the androids hair, throwing her hard against the wall. "Try me, bitch." Tasha growled, glaring at it.

It laughed, "You're pathetic. You really are."

Tasha could heard voice yelling behind her, but it faded when she ran at the droid, grabbing it by the throat and slamming it against the wall again. As she began to choke the life out of it, her artificial skin disappeared to show the bits of her that were Android.

"I am more powerful than any android or human. I am both!" The lights in the station began to flicker, causing everyone to glance around in even more a panic.

Tasha growled as the lights sparked, sending a power outage throughout the entire precinct. In an instant she tossed the girl aside, disappearing from sight before anyone could catch her.

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