The Proposal: Part Two

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Connor took a deep breath as he placed an order the perfect ring that he knew she loved. Once he had used her computer and he noticed she was looking at rings and had a site bookmarked.

While the idea of taking her on a date did sound promising, Connor wanting to take it a step further, hoping Tasha would be even more happy.

"We're going away for the weekend."

Tasha's eyes lit up as she gazed up at him. "What?"

Connor smiled, "You deserve a break, so I booked us the weekend off and we're going to go to the cabin since I know you love it so much."

She flung her arms around Connor's waist, grinning into his chest. "Thank you, Connor! That... that sounds lovely!"

"I know you haven't been there in a long time, and Hank gave me the keys, and I'll be driving you and I."

"Ooh, you're gonna drive?" Tasha smiled at him, "Do you want to get us killed?"

Connor rolled his eyes, a trait he had picked up due to her doing it all the time without knowing she did. "You're hilarious, Tasha. I thought that it would be more ... romantic, I suppose for us to drive since we can stop on the way and look at everything."

"Yeah! I'll show you where a part of the river is that's super shallow and the water is so clear— it's the most beautiful thing I ever had seen as a kid."

Connor gazed at her with adoration, unable to keep the wide smile from appearing on his face as she continued to talk about the trip, excitement radiating off her body. Seeing her this excited for the plans he made, made him feel like the luckiest Android in the world.

Connor did all the packaging, though Tasha insisted on helping he told her that he wanted this to be a relaxing time for her and that he would be doing any of the labours needed while they were gone. Tasha ended up giving in, sitting on the bed with a book while glancing at Connor picking clothes out of her drawers.

"This?" Connor held up a pair of ripped skinny jeans.

"Yes, please!" She chimed in, going back to her book.

Connor chose different pairs of socks and underwear for her, knowing she didn't care in the slightest what she wore. He spent a few moments looking at her bras, his mind flashing to seeing her in each one, picking the one that gave her the most comfort.

"Oh! Don't forget this!" Tasha threw a purple dress at him, smiling when he pulled it off of his head.

"A dress for a camping trip?" Connor inquired, a small smile on his face as he looked at the fabric with adoration.

"You never know when you need a dress. I'd rather have one and not need it than need one but not have one."

"Your logic is well placed." He gently folded the dress, setting it in her suitcase. "Is there anything else you'd like me to add?"

Tasha sighed in concentration as she glanced around the room. "Nope, I think we're all good! Meet me at the car, I'll just get my bag from the bathroom then we can go."

Connor nodded to her, giving her a small peck on the cheek before heading to the car. Tasha pulled the bag out of the bathroom, a wrapped present sitting neatly at bottom of it covered by cds and other miscellaneous items.

The sight of Connor standing against the car waiting for her made her heart beat faster. His jacket was discarded into the backseat, instead he chose to simply wear a pair of jeans and a purple t-shirt.

"Sometimes I forget how perfect you are." Tasha smiled as she leaned up, kissing him softly.

"I am most certainly not perfect," Connor smiled against her lips. "But thank you, my love."

As soon as the couple got into the car, Connor noticed Tasha's leg jittering, a permanent smile on her face.

"Are you excited?" He asked, a loving smile on his face as he gazed at her.

"Yes! Very much so."

"I'm very glad to hear that." Connor had a mischievous smile on his face as he turned his attention to the road.

Tasha didn't fail to notice this. "Connor, what's with that look?"

He simply continued to smile, his eyes focussed on the road. "I'm just glad to see you so happy."

"Hmm," Tasha hummed, letting the conversation change since she was too excited not to talk about the trip. "Ooh! Pull up to the grocery store, please!"

Connor did as she asked, looking over at her expectantly as he parked the car. "Is there something you nee—"

Before he could finish his question Tasha was already out of the car. "I'll be right back!"

Connor couldn't get over how happy she was. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect for her. He only hoped that he could be the type of husband she deserved. He knew he'd never be the same as a human partner, but maybe that was okay.

Either way, he'd love her until the day he shuts down, and then forever after that.

A/N: If you want a laugh, go to my YouTube channel and watch my old videos 🤣 Makeupbytashaxo ! I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm still not doing great so all of your comments help me get stronger and find inspiration for our story.

Remember to follow my since I'll be streaming more regularly if our internet isn't shit.

I'm always active on my Instagram @makeupbytashaxo


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