Chapter Sixty-Nine: Countdown

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That's how Connor felt as he watched Tasha be wheeled into a room that had any available medical supplies. Markus and North immediately came up to him when they arrived, asking what happened, but Connor had no explanation. Other than "We have to save her."

Hank was watching Kamski closely, who had begun to connect Tasha to multiple devices. "Get me some more thirium! We need to flush the affected blood out, and transfuse the fresh blood in."

Markus didn't hesitate as he watched one of his best friends fight for her life. He hooked the thirium up while North hooked up the human blood.

"You have to save her." Connor said as he watched the tubes fill with the affected blood, while the fresh blood was sent through her body.

"I'm doing everything I can, Connor." Kamski replied as he typed something into the computer.

"Everything you can?!" Connor felt angry. Very angry. "Save her!"

"Look, Connor. Yelling at me is going to fix Tasha. I want her to be safe too."

"Why? What use is she to you?"

"Not everything I do has an ulterior motive."

"What use is she to you?" Connor clenched his jaw.

"She's... special. Of all my creations she is —"

"She is NOT YOURS!" Connor was very close to Kamski now, his hands in fists at his sides.

Kamski simply smiled up at Connor. "Oh, Connor, you really are deviant, aren't you? Empathy for this human you love."

"Connor, c'mon." Hank grabbed onto his arm, "Let it go."

Connor sighed as he let the anger fade. "Please, Save her."

Everything was silent in the room as the blood finished going through her system. As it did, her neck began to gain colour to it, and her skin wasn't as frail. She even had warmth to her, she wasn't ice cold any longer.

"It's up to her now."

Kamski said after he examined Tasha's body, pushing his chair away from the bed.

"What the hell do you mean it's up to her?!" Hank yelled aggressively.

"Either she'll choose to live, or she won't." Kamski replied simply. "I've done all I can for her. It's always going to come to Tasha's decision. No matter what anyone does, if she doesn't want to live, her body will shut down and she will die."

Kamski left after that, leaving everyone else even more terrified for Tasha's life.

Connor stood by the side of the bed, holding her hand while rubbing his thumb along the soft skin that had the slightest warmth to it again.

Please don't give up.

Connor tried to reach out to her in his mind.

Please come back to me.

A/N: Hellooooo! I hope you enjoyed! Leave suggestions and comments! :) I'm still trying to finish the next chapter but writers block is being terrible soooo suggestions for future chapters are much needed. And just comments in general

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