Chapter Fourty-Eight: Reunion

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"Are you alright?"

I was silent for a moment as I stared at my body in the mirror.

"I don't feel like I'm really here. My body it... it's like it's rejecting what I am now." I shook my head, forcing a small smile as I turned to him. "I'll be alright, Connor. I was dead less than a day ago... it's going to take time."

Connor wrapped his arm around my waist, "And I'll be with you every step of the way."


I felt tears come to my eyes as I looked past Connor, "Hi Hank."

Connor moved out of the way as Hank ran to me, pulling me tight to him. "Is that really you, kiddo?"

"It's me, Hank." I hugged him close, smiling. "I'm okay."

"Are... are you..."

"Still human?" I asked, smiling slightly. "Yep... give or take a few Android parts, but for the most part I'm still human me..."

I just bleed purple. Because science!

Hank shook his head in disbelief. "I could care less whether you were human, Android — hell you could be a fucking fairy for all I care — I'm just glad you're here, that you're okay." Hank hugged me again. "I thought I lost you, kiddo."

I sniffled, "Hank... You know I love you right? We joke around all the time but... you're my dad. I want you to know that."

Hank held me tighter, letting out a chuckle. "I love you too, kid. You're the daughter I never wanted."

"I take offence to that." I teased, unable to stop smiling up at him.

Connor was standing silently, a smile on his face as he watched us.

"You done standing there like a creep, Connor?" Hank looked over at his partner, eyebrows raised.

"I was merely observing —"

"Creeping." Hank interrupted, sitting back in his chair. "Anyways, What now? You said you're part android... how does that work exactly?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Thyrium is pumped through my body along with my human blood, which keeps my heart beating."

"Essentially, Tasha's heart works the same as an Android's heart does." Connor said, "From what we can tell, her body has been accepting the enhancements Kamski made. Your right arm had to be... enhanced due to blood loss."

"That explains the freaky skin disappearing act that happened earlier." I looked between my human hand and my synthetic hand, observing them closely. They looked identical on the outside — but they felt different. My right hand felt like it wasn't really there.

How bizarre.

"Any other enhancements I should know about?" Hank had his eyebrows raised as he looked over at Connor.

"You're entire system runs on thyrium now. Theoretically speaking your life expectancy is that of an androids now. Your entire system functions because of the thyrium running through your veins and major organs. Without it, you— you'd shut down."

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