Chapter Ninty-One: Truth or Dare?

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Tasha sighed as she tossed the keys into the bowl, locking the door behind her. Connor was still looking for leads into the CyberLife case, and while he did it solely to put Tasha's mind at ease on the subject, she felt he was distancing himself, if only slightly.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" Tasha cussed, raising her fists as she noticed a dark figure over by the dining table.

"North?!" She flicked the light switch, the room now illuminated showing North sitting at a table with a glass in her hands. "What the fuck are you doing here?! You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry," North shrugged, "I just — I wanted to see you."

Tasha sighed as she threw her coat onto the couch. "I have a cell for a reason, North. What's up with you?"

North didn't speak for a moment as she stirred her drink. "Where's your boyfriend?"

"He's trying to find any leads involving CyberLife. Don't evade my question, North — What are you doing here?"

North simply shrugged again, "I came to drink and spend time with you."

"Usually people don't just barge into their friends houses." Tasha sighed, taking a seat next to North. "Sure you can handle all that?" She nodded towards the bottle of alcohol in her friends grasp.

"If you'll share with me." North held the bottle to Tasha, who hesitantly took it, swirling it around a few times.

"Lucky for you I had a shitty day." Tasha took a swig of the drink, making a sour face. "Gah, I hate alcohol!"

"You must've had a shitty day if you're actually drinking." North hummed as she took another look swig from the bottle.

"I want to go after CyberLife and stop them once and for all, but no one listens to me. I'll never have a normal life if I have to look over my shoulder at every turn." Tasha sighed. "Not to mention all the couples in the precinct are engaged — Connor and I are the only ones who aren't getting married this year."

North noticed the sad expression on Tasha's face, "Hey. You never know."

Tasha laughed, "North, it's not even legal for us to get married..." She sighed. "It is what it is."

They passed the bottle between them for some time, and after an hour and a half Tasha was definitely drunk while North was tipsy.

"You're such a lightweight," North laughed, "I give you credit, though, You lasted longer than most humans would."

"Perks of being a hybrid I guess." Tasha smiled slightly. "How are things going with you and Markus? Please tell me you've gotten to third base by now!"

North rolled her eyes, "This is Markus we're talking about. He hardly gives me a second glance, let alone any of his affection."

"Wellllllll have you made a move on him?" Tasha hiccuped. "You're not gonna get anywhere waiting for Markus to come to you. Men — especially android men— are oblivious."

"Enoughhhhhhhh." North turned to Tasha. "Truth or Dare?"

"Have you even played —"

"Truth. Or. Dare."

Tasha faked a sigh, "Truth."

"Lameeeeeeee." North hummed as she came up with a question. "How far have you and that douchey Detective guy gotten?"

"Jesus, North." Tasha sighed, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly. "We've made out a couple times in the past, other than that nothing."

"But you've thought about it before, haven't you?"

Tasha rolled her eyes, "Before I met Connor? Yeah, I mean you have to admit Gavin is pretty easy on the eyes."

"He's no Markus." North shrugged nonchalantly. "How many times have you and Connor had sex?"

"I mean, I'd have to ask him. My guess would be like one fifty? Give or take."

North sighed, pulling Tasha's phone away and dialing up Connor. "Ask your lover boy."

"Tasha, is everything alright? It's unusual for you to call at this time." Connor sounded concerned.

Tasha smiled at the thought. "No, everything's great I'm just with North right now."

"Oh." Connor sighed deeply, "Please tell me you're being safe?"

"I wouldn't let any harm come to our girl, Connor." North said sweetly into the phone, only annoying Connor more.

"That is very wise of you, North." Connor cheered up slightly when he heard Tasha giggle. "Tash, why did you call me?"

"North and I are playing Truth or Dare."


"How many times have we had sex?"

The line was dead silent and Tasha wondered if he had hung up on them. She felt relieved when she heard him breathe slightly heavier than before.

"Two-hundred twenty five times — twenty six times including later this evening."

"This evening? I don't... OH!" Tasha blushed when she realized what he was implying, "O-ok, I'll see you in a bit, Con."

"Mhm." Connor let out a chuckle before hanging up.

What a woman.


A/N: Smut coming up ;)

I really need your guys' story suggestions! I need time to write the next plot line and I'd like to add in stuff you all wanna read so please if you have an idea send it through :)

We're nearing 100 chapters you guys! And I'm nowhere near done the story. As long as you continue to comment and want me to write, I will keep the story going :) I love writing it.

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