Chapter Ninety-Two: 226 [ S M U T]

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*S M U T*

To say that when Connor came home Tasha was drunk was an understatement. North has clearly left hours earlier, and Tasha was dancing around the living room in nothing but a fancy lingerie set that Connor had never seen her wear before.

"Finaaaaaally you're home!" Tasha smiled sweetly at him, wrapping her arms around his neck to bring his lips down to hers.

"What are you wearing?" Connor asked as she trailed her fingers along his clothed chest, working at his tie sloppily.

"Do you like it?" Tasha cooed into his ear, licking a stripe down his neck before throwing his tie to the ground.

"Yes, I do like it very much." Connor rested his hands on her waist, pulling her back so he could look into her eyes. "How much have you had to drink?"

"Ummmmmm." Tasha made a motion with her hands. "Just a liiiiiiittle?"

Connor sighed, letting go of her to take off his jacket. "You know I can see your alcohol levels, right?"

Tasha giggled, "You caught me, officer."

"Is that a kink of yours?" Connor smirked at her, leaning his side against the wall as he took in her appearance.

"Maybe." She shrugged, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. "I mean, I think being sexually attracted to an Android would be a type of kink, right?"

Connor hummed in agreement, pushing her curly hair away from her face. "You look beautiful, darling."

Tasha smiled, slipping his dress shirt off of his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. "God, you're hot." She swooned, leaning up to kiss his bare chest.

A chuckle tumbled through his chest. "I believe you are the hot one." Connor traced circles on her back for a moment before grabbing the back of her neck. "Very hot."

Before Tasha could reply Connor pressed his lips against hers, pushing her back against the wall. He wasted no time in lifting her up by the back of her legs, wrapping them around his waist as he pressed his hardness against her. Connor couldn't help but groan as he felt how wet she already was through her thin underwear.

"You— you really like this, don't you?" Connor could barely get the words out as he worked one hand up her back, expertly unclasping her bra before tossing it away.

Tasha giggled against his lips, but it was quickly turned to a moan as Connor pressed against her harder. "Y-yes! You — you've made me wait hours for this."

Connor chuckled, pulling back just enough to gaze into her eyes. "Well, I suppose I shouldn't keep you waiting." He carried her towards the bedroom, setting her down so he could take off his belt.

Tasha watched with lust filled eyes as Connor let his slacks, along with his boxers fall to the floor. The sight of his erection made Tasha lick her lips.

Connor's eyes were glazed over with lust as he watched Tasha remove her panties very, very slowly. It was taking every ounce of self control to not bend her over right then and there.

Connor kissed her lips gently, a slight frown on his face.

"What?" Tasha asked, smiling up at him.

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