Chapter Seventy-Four: Self Control

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After Connor monitored my vitals for a few hours, he decided that taking me home to rest was the best call. I didn't disagree, but I didn't want to rest any longer.

I want to live.

But I knew what was best for the both of us was to go home and rest. Connor hadn't rested in god knows how long. His usual perfected features were unnaturally sickly looking, but he constantly had a smile on his face.

When we got home, Connor made me sit on the couch while he got me a glass of water and fed the cats. I was going to object but the serious look he gave me made me close my mouth.

"Would you like something to eat?" Connor asked as he handed me to glass.

I shook my head, smiling up at him. "I'd like my boyfriend to cuddle with me."

Connor grinned, just staring at me for a moment. I felt my cheeks heat up as I glanced away. Connor sat next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me to him.

"I've missed this." Connor admitted, kissing my forehead affectionately.

"Me too." I replied, my heart sinking for a moment. "God, I'm so sorry, Connor."

Connor shushed me, pushing me back so he could look at me. "Stop apologizing. You don't need to."

"I do! I hurt you! I hurt you so much..."

"It wasn't you, not really." Connor smiled, caressing my cheek gently. "You're here now. That's what matters."

I gazed up into his brown eyes, finding myself get lost in them. I rested my hands on his shoulders as I shifted so I was facing him.

"What?" He asked after a while, a small smile on his face.

"You're really handsome, you know that?"

Connor's cheeks turned the tiniest bit blue, averting his gaze to my lap. "I'm not."

"Connor." I put my hand under his chin, forcing him to look at me. "You're the most handsome person I've ever met. Just the sight of you —" I stopped myself as I felt the heat rise in my cheeks.

Connor chuckled, resting his hand on my thigh. "The sight of me what?" His eyes were darker as he leaned down, pressing his lips to the bridge of my nose.

"Arouses you?" Connor finished, trailing his lips down my face until he reached my
lips, smirking when I melted into him.

"Yes." I replied breathlessly. "Yes, Connor. You arouse me. You excite me. You enchant me. Any good feeling I could have, you do to me."

Connor gazed down at me lovingly, smirking once more when a yawn fell past my lips. "Come, you need to sleep."

"But, Connooooor!" I whined, pouting my lip and refusing to remove my arms from his shoulders.

"We have plenty of time to fuck later."

His words sent a tingle through my entire body. But before I could act upon his words, Connor lifted me up into his arms, taking me towards our bedroom.

"Connor!" I squealed, giggling when he sat me down on the bed.

"Go to sleep." Connor commanded as he removed his jacket, setting it neatly on a chair before removing his shoes.

I sighed in defeat as I pulled back the covers, sliding under them as I felt just how exhausted I was. Connor laid beside me, pulling my body against his as he caressed my back.

"Go to sleep, my love. I'll be here when you wake up."

A/N: I'll be streaming the last chapter of Detroit at 12pm pst! Twitch = tashaplays1998
Just some fluffffff I love you guys so much thank you for reading! If you have suggestions for Connor x Tasha scenes plssss comment them I need inspiration!

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