Chapter Sixteen: A Momentary Peace

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Connor's POV

Tasha's stay in the hospital lasted longer than she liked, but Connor knew she understood that what she did was serious and she had to be monitored.

Connor watched Tasha as she slept peacefully. The medication she was prescribed made her sleep more — he didn't mind. He enjoyed watching her sleep. Seeing her so calm made him feel relaxed, but also happy to know she was safe.

Connor was confused about his... feelings towards her. She made him feel... well... good.

Perfect, in fact.

His favorite moments were when she'd catch him staring — Tasha would smile brightly at him. Never once had she looked at him with anything but kindness.

But he was afraid.

Afraid she'd get hurt while on a mission.

Afraid that she'd hurt herself again.

He couldn't stop himself from watching the memory over and over again, seeing her on the ground... her lifeless body in his arms...


Tasha had woken up, and was looking at him with a worried expression. She reached for his hand, holding it tight. "What's wrong?"

His indicator was red and his face showed clear signs of distress. "Nothing."

Tasha smiled sadly, leaning into him

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Tasha smiled sadly, leaning into him. "Please don't lie to me, Connor."

Her voice was so soft, it soothed him to know she cared about how he felt.

"I... can't stop thinking about that night." He admitted, looking down at their intertwined fingers. "What if I hadn't gotten to you in time?"

"Connor, look at me," Tasha touched his face with her free hand, smiling gently. "You saved my life. I'm here, see?" She pulled on his hand, resting it against her chest where he felt her heart beating. "See? I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." She leaned up, giving him a small kiss on the cheek before smiling. "You can't get rid of me that easily."

Connor relaxed at her words, the feeling of her heart beating against his hand made his heart skip a beat. He looked down at her, and for a moment he felt like there was no difference between androids and humans. It was just the two of them. He was closer to her now, his face only centimetres from his. He wanted her. She looks so beautiful... "Tasha —"

"Don't you two look cozy."

Connor felt somewhat frustrated. Connor turned away from Tasha, looking at Hank. "Lieutenant —"

"Hey, what you two do behind closed doors is your business." Hank shrugged, walking over to the bed. "The Docs all say you're free to go."

"Thank you, Jesus!" Tasha exclaimed, smiling as she threw the covers off, standing up. She had to grab onto Connor's arm to stand up properly at first, but she didn't care as she smiled at the two men.

"I'll get changed out of this ugly gown, and then we can go." Tasha smiled as she pushed the two men out of the room, closing the door behind them.

Hank and Connor stood quietly, waiting for Tasha to change.

"She seems extra cheerful today." Hank noted, glancing sideways at Connor. "You have anything to do with that?"

"I hope so." Connor admitted, smiling slightly. "The medication they put her on seems to be doing its job."

"After her parents died she was on them for a while, but she hates being dependant on anything so she quit taking them." Hank sighed, "Anyways, I never got a chance to — well, thank you. If you hadn't gotten to her..."

"You don't have to thank me, Hank... I'm just, relieved I was able to get to her in time..." Connor trailed off, frowning slightly.

"I watched her die." Connor said quietly, "I watched the light leave her eyes. I've never felt pain but in that moment that's all I felt."

"And you're telling me you don't have feelings for her?" Hank scoffed, but his expression turned serious after a moment.

"I do." Connor admitted, causing Hank to raise his eyebrows.

"I didn't think you'd actually admit it."

"When I saw her like that..." Connor trailed off, "I want to make her happy, Hank."

Hank sighed, "Look, it's not going to be easy for either of you. You're an Android and she's human. That alone makes whatever you two have complicated — but Tasha... she's different. All you can do is let yourself love her, Connor. Make her your priority."

Before Connor could reply, Tasha opened the door, smiling at both of them. "I hope you two weren't gossiping about me while I was gone."

Connor opened his mouth to speak but Hank cut him off. "Just about how long it takes you to get ready."

I faked a gasp. "I'm offended, Hank." I giggled softly. "Let's get going. I hate hospitals."

When we arrived at home, Connor helped me into the house and immediately lifted me into his arms.

"Uh, Connor — you know I can walk myself, right?"

Connor had a small smile on his face. "I'd rather carry you."

I blushed, turning my face away from him as he laid me down onto the bed. 

"Connor?" I asked quietly, turning to slightly at him. "Can you... can you stay with me... please?"

Connor's POV

Connor leaned forward, allowing himself to trace his fingers along the side of her face. "I'm not going anywhere."


A/N: Please leave scene suggestions and comments :) thanks for reading

A/N: Please leave scene suggestions and comments :) thanks for reading  FUN FACT MY BOYFRIEND IS PLAYING THE GAME AND HE'S BEING AN ASS AND WELL THIS HAPPENED:

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Hank shot him.

I nearly died.

He thought it would be fine!

I said "You're gonna get shot." Cuz he kept defying hank and being stupid, and he was like Noooo..... I better not....
Then it happened.
Love you babe 🤣💋

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