Chapter 108: Peeping Gavin

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This can't be fucking happening right now.

Gavin decided he wanted to find out what Tasha was up to. He had a feeling that Connor and her were up to something but he never thought he'd stumble upon Tasha and Connor fucking in an abandoned break room though. When Gavin got down the stairs he could hear a sound that resembled moaning coming from down the hall.

"No fucking way." He muttered to himself as he got closer. The sounds became louder, and Gavin knew by the voice that it was Tasha.

Gavin knew he should walk away, pretend he didn't hear anything. But her moans were captivating, pulling him closer and closer until he was outside the door, leaning against the wall.


"Please," Tasha begged, moaning. "Please, I need you."

Gavin knew it was wrong, but as he heard her voice, whimpering he couldn't help but picture what he'd do if he was the one with her.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a grunt, bringing him out of his fantasies. Gavin stole a peek at the couple. Tasha was mainly covered by Connor's body, while he was bare from the waist down. But Gavin caught a short glance of Tasha's face, and the look she wore could've made Gavin fall over. Connor began going faster, and to Gavin's dismay his eyes met his through the mirror on the wall. Connor merely smirked at him before turning his full attention back to Tasha.

"Say you're mine." Connor panted, feeling her clench around him as her orgasm neared.

"Oh, Connor! I'm yours! I'm only yours!" Tasha cried out as Connor brought his thumb onto his clit, rubbing it in fast circles. "I—"

"Do you want me to cum in you?" Connor asked, leaning down so his face was centimetres from hers. "Do you want my hot seed to fill you up, Tasha?"

Tasha nodded, whimpering as she felt her orgasm approaching. "Yes! Connor, I want to feel you cum inside of me. Please." Tasha begged as she cried out his name, her orgasm hitting her hard.

Connor moaned as he thrust into her harder and harder until he too was met with his own orgasm, both attempting to catch their breath while gazing at each other.

"You know you don't have to be jealous right?" Tasha smiled lovingly at Connor, gently brushing his now messy hair from his face. 

"I love you. I'll only ever love you, Connor."

***** SMUT HAS ENDED *****

Gavin immediately left the vicinity, shaking his head to rid himself of the feelings he was having. He went out to have a smoke, hoping the cold air would cure the warmth he felt inside of him and the ache he felt in his heart, but nothing helped as he kicked the side of his car.

Of course Connor knew I was there. Fucking prick.

By the time Gavin got back to his desk, the couple were already back at their desks. Gavin quietly sat down, trying his best to not look at Tasha.

"Where'd you run off to?"

Gavin glanced at her for a moment before looking back at his monitor. "Just went out for a cig."

"Ew." Tasha wrinkled her nose, "You gotta stop that nasty habit before it kills you."

Gavin shrugged. "Whatever you say, princess."

Tasha walked over to his desk, leaning back against it. "Are you coming to the bar tonight?"

"I don't know." Gavin replied honestly.

"Awe, c'mon! It'll be fun!" Tasha pouted her lips, "Please Gav? Everyone's gonna be there! Besides, you never pass up an occasion to drink."

Gavin sighed, knowing he had little choice in the matter. "Fine. Yeah, Shorty, I'll go."

Tasha smiled, ruffling his hair playfully. "You won't regret it! Markus and North are gonna be there, and North is a funny drinker."

"Is your lovely boyfriend accompanying you?" Gavin asked as he turned to Connor who had been listening to the whole conversation.

"Of course." He replied with a smile. "I need to make sure Tasha doesn't drink over her limit—"

"So you're the designated driver." Gavin interrupted.

"If need be, yes. We both know how much she can drink before she even feels drunk. It'll hit her all at once if she drinks too much."

Tasha sighed dramatically. "You two are buzzkills."

A/N:WHEN I THOUGHT OF THIS TITLE I DIED XD IT SOUNDS SO STUPID BUT I COULDNT NOT USE IT LMAO. Anywaysssss, hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter xD Its just for funnnnn.

So some of you think Tasha doesn't think of Gavin as anything except a best friend, while some think she does have romantic feelings towards him :) it's very interesting to read all of your interpretations of their friendship / relationship :)

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