Chapter Thirty-Five: What Have We Become

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Tasha's POV

Where the hell am I?

When I finally woke I was in a dark room, my hands tied behind my back to a chair, and there were two guards on either side of me.

"Miss Price." A lady with long black hair came into the room, sitting across from me. She was wearing a blue uniform, and she spotted an LED on her temple.

An... android?

"Where the fuck am I? Who the fuck are you?!" I narrowed my eyes at her, trying to fight against the ties that bound my wrist.

The lady simply stared, her LED whirring between blue and clear, "We've been monitoring you for a while now. Who knew you'd become such a problem."

The it hit me.


"Aren't you a perceptive one," The lady smirked, leaning forward. "Tell us where Jericho is, or things are gonna get ugly real fast."

I simply looked at her with a glare.

"I won't tell you."

She nodded her head to the guard on my left, who then hit me hard in the abdomen with a batton.

"Where is Jericho?"

The woman's voice remained even as her eyes bore into mine.

"I don't know." I replied, coughing from the impact the guard made.

The lady continued to stare at me, "Resistance is futile."

I used what I could of my strength to lean forward slightly, my eyes boring into hers.

"Suck my dick, lady."

The Android seemed taken aback by my words, causing me to smirk slightly.

"I see that simple physical tactics won't convince you." She took out a device from her pocket, shoving it across the table at me.

A video played showing a man with short brown hair, and an older man next to him —



My eyes widened.



"You think we didn't know? About your... affair." The lady scoffed. "Tell us where Jericho is, and Connor... in working order. We will not harm your friend. And we will let you go."

"Don't fucking touch them!" I screamed, tugging as hard as I could against my Restraints.

They were both outside my house, both looking incredibly worried and frustrated.

"Oh, I have no intention of harming either of them... IF you cooperate."

Maybe I can persuade her to become deviant.

"Please... It doesn't have to be like this. You can be free." My eyes pleaded with hers, and for a moment her LED turned yellow.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "There's a snpier waiting for my order to shoot. Tell me where the Deviants are now!"

"I don't know!" I screamed out as the guard hit my stomach again, the other cutting my arm.

"Don't lie."

It wasn't a lie. I had no idea where Jericho was, only that they told me to meet at the Pier.

"It's not a fucking lie! I have no idea where Jericho is! PLEASE DON'T HURT THEM!"

"I'll give you one last chance, Tasha. I hope you chose wisely. Remember — I know if you're lying."

I'm sorry, Markus.

"The pier! They're somewhere at the pier!"


A/N: Thank you so much for reading! If you have any scenes you'd like me to add in to the story let me know! Especially if it pertains to the in game dialogues.

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