Chapter Fourty-Seven: Breathe

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When I woke I was attached to more machines, but I wasn't as afraid anymore. I was more so confused. I was met with brown eyes, a cool hand touching my face, bringing me closer to consciousness.

"Tasha." Connor breathed, a small smile on his face.

"Connor." I said softly after a moment, looking up at him with confused eyes.

I blinked my eyes a few times, trying to wrap my mind around the situation. I reached down, pulling the cords out of my arm. "Where am I?"

"CyberLife Tower." He explained, watching me with curiosity, but also fear. "What do you remember? Markus said when you woke up you didn't know what was happening."

I then noticed Markus standing behind him, arms crossed and brows creased in concentration.

"I... I don't know. I remember darkness and death. I remember feeling cold and empty. I remember a light... a bright light. I remember hearing a voice... your voice." I said, unable to look at him. "This is wrong. I shouldn't be here."

"Tasha —"

"I died, Connor!" His name fell from my mouth in an angry fire as I recalled the moments before I died.

The gunshot.

His sad, heartbroken eyes.

"I died... you shot me and I died." I said slowly as I tried to focus on the memory. "I... how am I here? How did you... how did you bring me back?"

Connor was silent as his fingers brushed mine.

"We... modified your body to bring you back." Markus leaned forward, surveying me. "Kamski helped us."

"That's impossible..."

"Tasha, what else do you remember?"

I was silent for a moment, trying to focus my thoughts. "I... it's all a blur. Everything before now is... wrong. It's like it was all a dream." My voice was quiet as I moved my hands. "This doesn't feel right... I don't feel right."

"It will take a while for your body to adjust to the enhancements — thyrium is pumped through your bloodstream, along with your human blood to keep your heart going."

Connor slowly placed his hand on my arm, forcing me to look up at him. "It's going to be okay."

"Is it?" I asked as I felt the stress in my body rise each moment of confusion. "Because right now I feel like my body is on overdrive."


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