Chapter 126: Unexpected Reactions + TWITCH

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Even though Connor said he wanted a family, ever since I revealed my pregnancy he had been detaching himself from me. He'd spend most nights late at work or over at Hanks, and he wouldn't even kiss me goodbye or anything like that.

I can't even remember the last time we were intimate. I'm pretty sure it was the night of the pregnancy reveal. He seem so excited back then... what happened?

Needless to say I tried to talk to him, but when Connor didn't want to talk to me, he made a point of it by completely avoiding me unless the subject was work related. When that was the case he'd mainly speak to Hank, and when I'd try to speak to him, he'd barely say a single word.

One evening Connor came home shitfaced drunk, which made me furious. He came in reeking of booze and he looked awful. His clothes were dirty and his hair was a mess. He resembled Hank whenever he was on a bender.

"I didn't know androids could get shit faced

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"I didn't know androids could get shit faced." I said through gritted teeth as I tried to ignore Connor's presence.

"It was not a good idea." Connor admitted, plopping onto the couch next to me, his hands snaking their way to my upper thighs.

"No shit, Sherlock." I rolled my eyes, the anger balancing out with my pain. "Why are you even here, Connor?"

"I wanted to see you." Connor slurred, leaning his head against my shoulder. "I needed to see you."

"Yeah well I've needed you the past few days but you haven't been here." I snapped, shoving him off me hard before standing up, walking towards the kitchen.

"Tasha, I-I don't —"

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"Tasha, I-I don't —"

"Of course you don't understand! You don't get that your actions have consequences and you getting drunk when I've been at home waiting for you is the cherry on top of the fucking cake!" I yelled, anger fuelling me as I felt tears rising in my eyes.

"I thought it would help! You were upset with me—"

"Upset with you?!" I turned to face him, "You fucking left!"

"Upset with you?!" I turned to face him, "You fucking left!"

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"You're all I have. You're the love of my life, and now that that thing is going to take you from me."

"That thing?!" I glared, my hand moving to my stomach protectively. "That thing is our fucking child, Connor. I'd never choose anyone over you." Tears splattered my face as I turned my back to him. "But this is our baby!"

"I didn't mean it, Tasha, I just —"

"Just get out, Connor." Tears streamed down my face as I gripped onto the sink. "Go stay with Hank tonight. I can't be in the same room as you."

"Tasha, please—"

"I said get out!" I screamed, slammed a glass into the sink, cutting my hand in multiple places.

The blood dropped to the floor, and in an instant Connor was by my side, his hand holding mine as he examined the damage.

"Get out." I mumbled, trying to pull my arm away from him.

"I'm not going anywhere." Connor stated, grabbing a cloth to wipe the blood onto.  "You can yell at me if you want, I deserve it."

"I don't have the energy right now." I said as the tears stopped. "Just... don't ever fucking do that again."


After that evening Connor was different, he wasn't back to normal but he was making a point to keep his eyes on me.

I was so used to Connor cooking, that when he stayed late at work just to stay away from me I didn't bother cooking. I was sick not only from the pregnancy but from him acting this way.

I had chosen not to disclose my pregnancy to anyone, because I knew how at risk pregnancies could be, and considering I wasn't fully human anymore, I had no idea if my could keep the baby alive, or even myself alive.

Keeping the truth from Hank killed me, but once Connor acted strange for more than a few days I ended up only speaking to either of them when I needed help with work, and I made a point to talk to Hank and not Connor.

Hank obviously sensed something was off, he'd talk to me whenever Connor wasn't around.

"Ask him." Would be all I say before going back to my desk.

I thought that everything would be different. I thought Connor could be happy but, no matter what I did he just distanced himself from me more and more.  Whenever I thought things could go back to normal he'd retreat even more.

I already began to fall in love with the baby growing inside of me. The thought that I could have to give it up made me feel sick inside.

What the hell am I going to do?!


A/N: ANOTHER update?! Woooooo! Please go read my Loki x oc fanfic! I'm trying to write this whenever I'm inspired you guys.

If I buy RE 0, RE, RE Code V X, and RE6 for PS4 will y'all watch me stream them? The old RE games scare me too much to play but I want to try to stream them before RE2 remake comes out! I've seen my dad play every RE game 3x each (RE4 I've seen 100000000x lmao) and I play RE6 and enjoy it since it's less scary lol I'll also play 7 since I own that too. Let me know!

I'm still not the best health wise but I'm hanging in there. Your support means so so much to me. I love you all so much.

Please go follow my IG: @makeupbytashaxo YouTube @makeupbytashaxo twitch: @tashaplays1998

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