Chapter Sixty-Five: Rage [SMUT]

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That evening Tasha was driven home by Connor, and to her dismay he followed her into her home. He began to pace the living room while she poured herself a glass of water.

"What do you want, Connor?" Tasha asked when Connor continued to pace without saying a word, his LED whirring red.

"You were reckless today." He said with clenched teeth, his fists clenching at his side. "If I hadn't pushed you out of the way —"

"I would've died. I am aware." She replied with a yawn, turning to face him. "You don't get it do you? I don't care if I live or die. I don't care about anything."

Connor looked at her, his head cocked to the side. "I think you do. I think you try to hide it, but we both know how terrible of a liar you are."

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Tasha clenched her teeth, trying to refrain from blushing. She turned her back to him. "Go away."

Connor grabbed the glass of water from her hand and slammed it against the wall, causing Tasha to jump as the glass shards fell onto the floor. She let out a squeal as Connor grabbed her wrist, pushing her hard against the wall. His knee between her legs, hands pining hers to either side of her head.

"Connor, what are you —"

Before Tasha could say another word, Connor kissed her, his lips moving against hers harshly. It wasn't his normal way of kissing — it was different. Anger, fear and pain all bottled up into one kiss, but love — love was still there.

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Connor's hands grabbed onto Tasha's shirt, ripping it off along with her bra, the shreds falling to the ground gracefully, his knee pressing hard against her groin, making Tasha gasp when Connor put added pressure to it.

"You say you don't care, Tasha, but your body gives you away. Your elevated heart rate, dilated pupils — I barely have to touch you to make you aroused. And yet you insist you feel nothing. I plan to prove you wrong."

His tongue pushed past her lips, meeting hers hungrily. Tasha couldn't help but let out a moan as she pushed his jacket off, ripping his white dress shirt and tossing it to the side. She trailed her fingers along his bare chest, digging her nails into his skin.

"Gavin couldn't make you feel like this." Connor growled as he moved his lips to her collarbone, biting and licking the skin as his hands moved to her pants, tugging them down as his lips moved further, his lips pressing against her clothed heat. Tasha locked her fingers with his hair as he ripped off her panties, grabbing onto her ass as he licked up her slit.  "You're mine."

His words only spurred her arousal more. Seeing him like — like a predator after it's prey. Tasha was dazed as Connor continued to lick her, mumbling a "You're only mine." Against her most sensitive parts.

"For someone who says they feel nothing, it seems to me you're feeling quite a lot right now." Connor mumbled against her, standing up as Tasha pulled his pants down.

"Shut up, Connor." She smiled slightly, pulling his bare body against hers as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Or what? Are you going to punish me?" Connor smirked as he lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he pushed his dick against her.

Tasha was breathless for a moment before she managed to smirk, "If I have to."

Connor pushed into her in one hard thrust, causing them both to gasp. Their foreheads rested against each other as Connor began moving his hips at a fast pace.

"Oh, c'mon, Connor." Tasha moaned, her head falling to his shoulder. "Is that the best you can do?"

Connor bit her shoulder hard before pulling her away from the wall, pushing her down onto the bed.

"You want me to go harder? Because I will." Connor smirked as he watched how vulnerable she was in that moment. He could see the emotions in her eyes, but he wouldn't push it. No, he'd allow himself this one indulgence.

Just this once.

Tasha spread her legs in anticipation, grinning up at him. "Hit me with your best shot, Connor."

And he did just that.

Connor grabbed onto her hips, resting her legs above his shoulders as he thrusted into her. As he picked up the pace he began going harder and harder, the headboard smacking against the wall.

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"Oh— fuck, Connor." Tasha moaned, pulling his face down so she could kiss him. Tasha's voice was soft, and for a moment it was like having her back completely. It made his heart flutter.

I can bring her back.

This only drove his arousal further. Connor pounded into her as hard as he could, his fingers holding her so hard she could feel the bruises forming.

"Tasha — please — oh!" Connor groaned, his brown eyes searching her green ones as they both climaxed.

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There were tears in Tasha's eyes as Connor laid next to her, pulling her against his chest.

"Allow me this one indulgence."

His voice was soft and quiet, and she could hear the strain in it. The pain...

The pain I caused him.

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And for once, Tasha simply nodded, resting her head on his chest as she tried to stop the ache she felt pounding in her chest.

I want to feel...

A/N: I'm so sad because I still can't afford a PS4 sooo I can't play detroit. I've only played once and it was rushed :/ I just wanna replay so I have more ideas but anyways, hey! You guys wanted angry emotionless Tasha x Connor smut so here you go! ;3 As you can probably tell, Tasha is veeeery close to her emotions coming back. Can Connor do it? I wasn't gonna post this tonight but fuck it, you all deserve it. That's what, 5 chapters in one day? THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIIIIIIIIIIRE

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