Chapter Twenty-Nine: Make You Mine [SMUT]

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* * S M U T * *

"May I ask a personal question, Tasha?" Connor had a thoughtful expression on his face as I leaned closer to him, smiling.

I sighed, but mainly in a playful manner. "Connor, you and your personal questions." I continued to smile at him, unable to deny that beautiful look of confused innocence, "Ask away."

"Have you ever had sex?"

My mouth fell open, and I felt like I had just been ran over by a truck. I gapped at him, unable to form a coherent thought.

"What is it?" Connor asked with his head cocked to the side, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"I just..." my mouth closed as I tried to form words, looking away from him as my face went red. "I never thought I'd hear that leave your mouth, Connor."

"You haven't answered my question." Connor replied, looking at me expectantly.

"Do you even know what sex is, Connor?"

"Hank tried explaining to me but I admit I'm still quite confused."

"You asked Hank?! Jesus." I sighed deeply, my cheeks still burning hot. "You know that men and woman have different genetalia right?"

"Of course, men have penises and woman have vaginas.

"Gah I could've went my whole life not hearing those words come from you, babe." I nodded my head, "Okay, so think of it like a puzzle, right? The pieces fit together."

"I don't understand." Connor looked so innocent while trying to understand. While he looked adorable, my embarrassment made me become flustered.

"Jeez — When two people love each other, and they want to be connected in the most intimate of ways, they have sex — some call it making love."

"Making love." Connor repeated, sounding fascinated by the term. "And have you... made love to anyone?"

I blushed bright red, shaking my head. "N-no. I mean I've done some things but not... not that."

"What things have you done?"

"Connor!" I slapped his arm playfully.

"I apologize if my questions are blunt." Connor said, but he couldn't hide the small smile that formed on his lips while watching me get flustered.

I shook my head, "Does it matter? If it makes you happy it wasn't exactly a pleasant experience."

"Can you explain?"

I can't believe I'm talking about my previous sex life with my current boyfriend.

I sighed, "He was inexperienced, I was a teenager."

Connor nodded, looking away for a moment as he analyzed his thoughts.

"While we're on the subject, when did you have your first kiss? I've read that humans always remember their first kiss."

"A girl made out with me a few times in fourth grade."

"Your first kiss was with a girl?" Connor was confused. "Are you into women as well?"

"Not usually, but in the end if I loved a woman then I'd love them. Luckily for you, I love you."

Connor relaxed slightly as he took in my words, clearly analyzing them like he did with practically everything.

"Why are you asking anyways?" I asked after a while of him just staring at me.

Connor was clearly taken aback by my question as he became flustered. "I... just wanted to know..."

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