Chapter Eighty-Nine: Aftershock

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3rd Person POV

As soon as the gun fell from Tasha's hand, her body fell to the ground, her knees holding her up long enough for Markus to catch her before she fell completely.

"Tasha! Tasha, are you alright?" Markus asked as Connor staggered over, falling to his knees beside Tasha who was having trouble breathing, blood dripping from her mouth.

"We gotta get that wood shard out of her neck." Markus said as he analyzed the wound, luckily it was on one of her android additions, so it wouldn't kill her, most likely.

Tasha gasped once the shard was removed, breathing heavy until she caught her breath

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Tasha gasped once the shard was removed, breathing heavy until she caught her breath. Connor immediately wrapped his arms around her, bringing her head against his chest. "You shouldn't have come! You were almost killed!"

"But I wasn't." Tasha replied, her eyes focussing on the two human bodies on the ground a few feet away. "I'm fine. We should go."

"What the hell happened here?" Hank was now closer to the couple, a concerned look on his face.

"I did what I had to do." Tasha replied with a solemn expression, her gaze being ripped away from the corpses as she helped Connor to his feet.

"You need to get patched up." She said without looking at him,

"Tasha—" Connor was looking at her with an expression that made her heart sink further into her chest. "You shot—"

"I did what I had to do!" She screamed, turning to look at her friends who were all looking at her with wide eyes. "Amanda was going to reset him..." She took a deep breath as she turned towards the door. "I did what I had to do."

With that she left, leaving the others baffled completely

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With that she left, leaving the others baffled completely.

"Connor, did Tasha..."

Connor looked at Markus, nodding. "Amanda told her to shoot those humans. She — she did what she thought needed to be done."

"Hey, I don't blame her." North said, "If it were any of us Tasha would've done the same thing, I'd think we'd all do the same for her."

They nodded, even Hank joining in. "She's gotta be swimming in a sea of guilt right now. C'mon, Connor, let's get you looked at."

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