Chapter Fifty-Eight: Dealbreaker

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"Is this really necessary?"

Tasha's hands were cuffed behind her back as she sat in the passenger seat. Her lips were pursed, a pout clearly evident. It was an uncomfortable situation to say the least.

"The probability of you trying to run away is close to fifty percent." Connor said simply, not looking towards her as he drove.

"Yeah, well I agreed to come, didn't I?"

"You did. But as your lover, I am aware at how you try to manipulate, but in this case you're not being manipulating which can only mean you do in fact care."

"Pssssh, yeah, okay, lover boy! The only reason I agreed to come with you is because I know you'll be pathetically annoying until I cooperate. Don't think it's because I care."

Tasha rolled her eyes as she turned up the music, drowning out any chance of talking to her.

Connor knew she cared. She made that blatantly obvious by staying with him. But he knew better than to push his luck. So he remained silent.

Once they arrived at Jericho, they were instantly greeted by Markus and North.

Tasha walked separately from Connor, a slight strut to her stance, and even with the cuffs on she made an impression. Her normal character was to be close to Connor — but now she couldn't wait to get away.

"Tasha! It's so good to see you!" Markus went to hug her, but stopped in his tracks when he saw the expression — or lack thereof — on her face.

"What..." He looked over at Connor, then noticed the cuffs behind Tasha's back. "What the hell is going on?"

"I did what was best for everyone. I shut off my emotions." Tasha stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world, rolling her eyes as she turned away from the group, analyzing the room around her.

"You — What?"

Tasha sighed in annoyance, "Think of it like flipping a switch. I flipped the motherfucking switch. Thank Kamski for the flaw design."

North puckered her lips for a moment, "Wait — so you don't feel anything?"

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North puckered her lips for a moment, "Wait — so you don't feel anything?"

"Nope." Tasha replied, "Nothing."

"How is this possible? Markus asked Connor who had been silent the entire exchange.

"How is this possible? Markus asked Connor who had been silent the entire exchange

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