Chapter Seventy-Eight: Just Kiss Me [SMUT]

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As soon as I stepped through the door Connor pushed my back against the wall, spreading my legs apart with his knee. I stared at him in anticipation as he gazed down at me, his hands roaming my body slowly. Slowly his gaze moved to my body, and he licked his lips as he brushed his fingers along my bare collar bones. The dress I wore had enough cleavage without being too crazy, and I knew Connor enjoyed this dress.

I reached forward, pushing his jacket onto the floor before moving my fingers to his buttoned up shirt, undoing each button painfully slow while his left hand traveled to my waist, grabbing it hard before pressing his lips against mine, tossing his shirt onto the floor before pulling the straps of my dress off my arms, allowing the fabric to be discarded onto the floor, leaving me entirely naked.

"No underwear." Connor noted, a smirk on his face. "You should do that more often."

I hummed in response, my fingers traveling across his bare chest downwards until I reached his waist, unbuttoning his pants slowly, too slowly for his liking. Connor ripped his pants and underwear off, tossing it to the side before grabbing onto the back of my legs, lifting me up into his arms and shoving me hard against the wall.

3rd Person POV

"I love you." He smiled, "I love you more than anything, Tasha."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close as she ran her thin fingers through his hair. "I love you, Connor."

His smile turned into a grin as he kissed her, his tongue meeting with hers, both in a frenzy to feel each other fully. Connor pushed his hips against hers, the feel of her wetness making him groan in anticipation.

"I can't wait any longer." He said in desperation, his voice deep as he pushed into her in one hard and swift movement.

"Connor!" Tasha arched her back, moaning as he began to rock his hips against hers. His strength allowing him to hit her harder and faster each thrust, wanting nothing more than to hear her moan his name over and over again.

"Connor— fuck!" Tasha moaned, finding the strength to move her hips against his.

Connor grabbed onto her legs, lifting them up and resting them on his shoulders, sending him as deep as he could go, Tasha nearly screaming against his lips.

"Oh! Fuck me! Tasha!" Connor moaned, his composure falling as his end was near. He moved as hard and as fast as he could without hurting her, his hands gripping her waist so hard he knew there'd be bruises he'd have to make up for later.

As he felt her clench around him, she moaned his name over and over again sending him over the edge as they came together, his body not stilling until he had given her complete and utter pleasure.

Tasha grinned up at him, kissing his lips lovingly. "I love you, you know that, right?"

"I think I have some notion." Connor teased, nuzzling his nose against hers. "I love you so much."


A/N: ahhh more smut! Have fuuun! Please comment suggestions and just comments in general it helps me write. I'll be streaming today so look for the update about when I go live!

If you're going to complain move the fuck on 👌🏻

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