Chapter 104: Who is in Control

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Tasha gasped for air as she came to, her eyes scourging the room for RK900, but he was nowhere to be found. Tasha looked her body over and found no bullet holes.

Why didn't he kill me?

Tasha didn't want to stay to ask, so she decided to head back to the others.

Hopefully I can get out now.

As Tasha turned the corner, she entered a dark room, where the only light was emitting off a strange device in the centre of the room. Tasha felt a pull to it, slowly walking over to it as her eyes stared directly at it.

"What the hell?"

Tasha stepped up to it, noticing there was a place for a hand to go. Tasha's curiosity got the better of her as she placed her hand on the scanner, a warm feeling shooting throughout her entire body.


Connor called to her, the dark room now lit up by his yellow LED. She was silent for a moment then turned to him. "Connor! You're okay!" She ran to him, relieved he wasn't injured.

"Me?! Do not ever do that again!" Connor pulled Tasha against him, holding her as close as possible. "I thought I was going to lose you."

"I'm... alright. A little bruised and bloody but nothing a hot shower and painkillers won't fix." She smiled. "Everyone's okay, right?"

Connor smiled at her, kissing her lips lovingly. "Yes. Everyone is perfectly fine."

It was then that Gavin came into the room, rushing over to Tasha. She let out a grunt as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her body flush against his.

"Hi Gav." Tasha patted his back soothingly.

"Are you hurt?" Gavin pulled back, examining her body. He turned to Connor. "Is she alright?" He asked worriedly.

"She has minimal injuries."

"I'm right here!" Tasha touched Gavin's arm with a smile. "I'm alright. A little tired, and sore but I'm alive. Don't worry, Gavin."

Gavin looked down at her, his grey eyes scanning over her face for a moment before he rested his hands on her shoulders. "You can't be reckless like that, Tash!"

"I have explained that to her, yet she refuses to listen." Connor agreed with a sigh, looking at them with a curious expression.

"I had to know, ok? Now I know." Tasha looked away as she frowned.

"Don't worry," Gavin touched her chin, getting her to look up at him. "Those bastards won't be getting out of jail anytime soon."

Tasha smiled at that, her balance wavering slightly so both Gavin and Connor grabbed onto her to hold her up.

"Tasha, are you—"

"Woah, you alright?"

Tasha smiled slightly as she held onto both of them. "I'm good. Just... just feel a little weak right now."

"Don't worry, darling." Connor pulled her out of Gavin's grasp, lifting her up in the bridal position. "I got you."

As Connor and Gavin began walking back Tasha poured. "I can walk! Really, I—"

"You just focus on resting." Gavin replied, looking at her with a serious expression, one so serious she immediately shut her mouth.


Everyone was relieved when they saw Tasha was alright. Hank nearly cried when he saw her, hugging her body tight to his. "You nearly scared the life out of me, kid!"

"Sorry, dad." Tasha pulled back to smile at him. "I'm okay though."

Both Markus and North pulled Tasha into a hug next. "You were a total badass in there, Tash!" North grinned while Markus rested his hand on her shoulder.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

Tasha smiled at his concern, nodding her head. "Yes, I'm good. I'm ready to go home though. "

Her heart beat drummed loud in her ear as she stepped towards the car, the whole world seemingly falling away in one swift moment. Everything was replaced with text blinking bright red in her eyes.

(/);)/)/(/()/ Mission Objective :)/(/(/):))/:))/)/

(/);)/)/(/()/ Mission Objective :)/(/(/):))/:))/)/

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;/(/(/((/(/(/ Eliminate Markus /(/(:)):))(;

•••A/N: AHHHH! What happened?! I hope you all enjoyed! #fuckcyberlife! #yeet

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A/N: AHHHH! What happened?! I hope you all enjoyed! #fuckcyberlife! #yeet . Seriously your comments keep me writing I can't wait to see them! When I was reading the comments for the last chapter I nearly died xD I love you all so much lol

Also, do you guys still like when I include gifs? I can stop but you all said you love it so just let me know :3

When will Tasha ever catch a break? Amirite?! :) I love you all so so much!

Again, if you have ideas for my Gavin x Tasha story let me know :3 I've been writing some stuff I just haven't finished the first chapter yet.

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