Chapter Thirty-One: Fury

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"Well, isn't this cozy."

The deviant had reportedly been spotted in an old, abandoned warehouse that looked like it was pulled straight out of a horror movie.

"I do not believe many would consider this cozy, Tasha."

I sighed, "I was being sarcastic, Connor."

"You two bicker like an old married couple." Hank shook his head, "I can't believe you two. Gah, I feel sick."

I rolled my eyes, "Get over it. I'm not a kid."

"Yeah but most parents don't enjoy hearing from their kids boyfriend that they had sex."

"Why not?" Connor asked innocently, causing me to facepalm.

"Can we just drop it please? I will die of embarrassment."

"Well, we're not gonna find the deviant standing idly out here — get a move on you two." Hank pushed me towards the door.

"Hey! I'm not going in first! This building gives me the creeps!" I jumped back as I heard a creaking noise come from within the building. "Nope, fuck that!"

Hank sighed in frustration, "You're one of the best detectives in this city, but you're scared of a damn building?"

"Uh, yeah! Have you not seen like every horror movie EVER?!"

"I'll go first." Connor said, stepping in front of Hank and I, walking into the building with ease.

"Ass." I mumbled as I trudged behind him, holding my gun tightly in his grasp.


"We gotta split up to cover more ground." I spoke up after a while.

Hank nodded, "Fine. Go check upstairs. I'll do the basement and Connor can stay on the main floor."

I turned towards the rickety staircase.


I nearly let out a scream as Connor grabbed onto my arm, stopping me from walking up the stairs. "Jesus, Connor! You scared me!"

"I'm sorry," Connor looked worried. "I don't like you going off on your own."

I smiled slightly, "Connor, I'll be fine. I promise if I sense any danger I'll get you."

Connor was hesitant. It was like he was battling internally with himself. Slowly, his grip on my arm loosened and then he let my arm drop from his grasp.

"I'll be okay. I'll call you if I find him." I said as I placed a chaste kiss to his lips, trudging up the staircase.





Nope, still empty.

I sighed in frustration as I walked through the long corridor of the top floor. "If I were a deviant, where would I hide?" I walked towards the last door on the floor, turning the handle slowly.

It was in that moment I was pushed to the ground, the deviant running out towards the exit to the roof. I scrambled to my feet, chasing after the deviant.

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