The Proposal: Part Five

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Walking through the forest was peaceful. Connor had never experienced anything like it, and watching how happy it made Tasha made him enjoy the experience that much more.

Every so often they'd need to take water breaks, since Tasha being half human still could quite easily run out of energy.

"It's so not fair." Tasha was sitting on the ground, leaning her arms against her leg. "You could walk forever and never tire, me? I walk for an hour and my lungs are on fire!"

Connor couldn't help but chuckle, handing Tasha the bottle of water that he cooled for her. "I could always carry you."

"Yeah, because that wouldn't be degrading at all." Tasha rolled her eyes but accepted the water gladly, taking a long drink.

"I don't see why it would be." Connor said as he tried to understand her sarcasm.

Tasha took a deep breath, handing him the water bottle. "I am a strong, independent woman, and I can hike myself."

Without another word Tasha marched up the steep hill. Connor smiled, trailing after her. "You're quite adorable when you're frustrated."

"Bite me, Connor." Tasha said as she pulled herself up the hill.

"Come here and I will." Connor teased, passing her as he got to the top of the hill.

"Oh, haha." Tasha rolled her eyes, taking a deep breath of air when she reached the top. She sat on the ground for a while, just catching her breath.

When Tasha's heart and lungs had settled, Tasha noticed Connor standing by the other edge of the hill. She walked over to him, slipping her hand in his. "Whatcha staring at?"

"Everything." Connor replied, his LED whirring as he took in the sights before him.

Everything was covered in a light snow, the water below partially frozen. The breeze blew cold, and Connor for once only heard nature and not the hustle and bustle of modern society.

Tasha smiled as she followed his gaze, "I told you it was beautiful. I can remember my parents taking me up here every year. It was nice to get away from the city." Tasha took in a deep breath of fresh air, looking at the sky as birds flew above their heads. "It's so quiet. It's peaceful."

Connor gazed down at her, a small smile on his face. "You're beautiful."

Tasha smiled, leaning her body against his. "Thanks, Con. As much as I love the view, we should probably start heading back. It doesn't take long for it to get freezing up here."

Connor nodded in agreement, "After you, darling. Ladies first."

"Such a gentleman."


"Well, this fucking sucks."

Tasha sighed as she furrowed her brows, looking at the scene ahead of her. The path that would've lead them home was blocked by trees that had fallen over from a previous storm.

"It's alright, there's another path that leads to the cabin faster, anyways." Connor said optimistically.

Tasha frowned, "You sure we can't just go back the way we came?

"Your body temperature is already below average. While I can warm you, it is best for us to get into shelter as soon as possible. My analysis states that there will most likely be a storm this evening. Going back would cost too much time."

"Alright, alright. Let's go."

Tasha knew the way through the path. It was the same path Tasha would take with her parents, which is exactly why she didn't want to go that way. But Connor was right. Her teeth were chattering and her body was constantly shivering.

Tasha felt her insides go cold as she neared the bridge that was at the end of the path. "After you." Tasha said as Connor stepped onto the bridge, her body shaking slightly. She stepped into the bridge, her eyes locking with the rushing water beneath her, the whirring of the wind sounded more like a howl.

Tasha closed her eyes, trying to calm her heart, but when she opened them, she wasn't on the bridge any longer.


Tasha was in the backseat with her younger self, trying to talk to her parents. "Dad! Mom!" She cried, attempting to kick her fathers seat but it was if she kicked thin air. "Please, stop! Don't go by the bridge! Please!" She begged, the song on the stereo growing louder and louder with each passing moment.

Where it began
I can't begin to know when
But that I know it's growing strong

"Please! Stop!" Tasha screamed, tugging on her younger selfs arm, but once again it was like she was grasping at thin air.

Sweet Caroline
Good times never seem so good

"No. Please! I don't want to see this again. Please, make it stop!" She screamed, covering her eyes as she heard a sound similar to a gunshot ring through the air. Her parents tires skidded on the ice, throwing them into the freezing cold river.


Everything was quiet as she sat there, looking at her parents lifeless bodies. "Why? What does this all mean? I don't want to be here!"


She heard a voice call to her as the water slipped over her head. Tasha let out a scream as she felt the oxygen leave her body.


Tasha opened her eyes, being met with worried brown eyes. Tasha noticed her body was shaking and her hands were clenched so hard they were turning white.

"Tasha!" Connor said her name again, trying to get her attention. "You're alright! I'm here." Connor was holding her, trying to comfort her in any way he could.

Tasha slowly let her fists unclench, pulling back from Connor slightly. "It's fine. I'm fine."

Connor knew she wasn't. Her heart rate was scarily high, and her entire body shaking gave her away. "Tasha—"

"I'm really hungry, Con." Tasha whined, the shaking of her body stopped as her heart rate went back to normal.

She was doing it again. She was repressing it.

Connor didn't want to force her to talk to him. He didn't know if it would upset her and make things worse, or if she'd even want to talk to him about whatever it was.

"Yes, we should return to the cabin. It's getting far too cold for you to be outside at the moment." Connor kissed her forehead lovingly before linking his fingers with hers, not saying another word.


A/N: I'LL BE LIVE ON TWITCH AT 12pm pst! the smut fairies have stopped by to announce that next chapter may contain steamy love making. It was requested that they do stuff on a bed sooo yeah lol I hope you enjoyed this. Your comments keep the story going, and they make my day.

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