Chapter 109: Cooperation

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By the time they got to the bar, it was pretty packed. Most people were heavily drunk and those who weren't were doing their best to get there. Tasha was standing over with North and Markus while Gavin sat at the bar.

I should've just went home.

Gavin took a swig of his beer, taking a glance at Tasha. She was smiling happily, laughing with her friends. It was an image that made his heart swell, but also made it ache all at once. After seeing Tasha and Connor that day, he didn't want to be around either of them. It was his own fault, he knew that. Gavin tried to stop his feelings for her, but he couldn't.

Gavin sighed when Connor sat on the stool next to him. "What do you want, Connor?"

"I'd like to talk to you about what transpired this afternoon." Connor replied evenly, looking at him.

"You knew I was there, didn't you?"

"Of course." Connor replied smugly, "What's the phrase? Karma is a bitch."

"Prick." Gavin rolled his eyes, unamused. "The fuck you talking about?"

"Do you think I don't notice the way you look at her every day? How you insist on flirting with her to no avail? Gavin, all your doing is prolonging your own suffering."

"You think I don't know that?! I have to watch every day as she loves you! A fucking Android! She deserves better than a piece of plastic." Gavin spat, the alcohol making anger swell in his chest as he glared at Connor. "I know that it's not me, but after everything that's happened to her, what makes you think you're good enough for her?"

"I don't know why Tasha chose me." Connor admitted honestly. "You think I don't think the same as you do? I am aware that Tasha should be with someone who can give her things I can't, but I won't hurt her. I love her, and I know you love her too. Don't even try to deny it, Gavin. It's blatantly obvious."

"To everyone except Tasha." Gavin mumbled.

"That's true." Connor chuckled. "Regardless, all I want is for her to be happy, and I believe you want that too."

Gavin sighed, nodding, "Yeah, I do."

"Tasha's happy. That's all I want for her. No matter what choices she makes, I will always stand by her side. But she needs you too, Gavin. You mean a lot to her. She may have even loved you, had things turned out differently."

"You two are getting married, she seems pretty happy about that." Gavin said as he sat down his beer, turning to face the Android. "She doesn't need me."

"Yes, she is, and yes, she does. She may not admit to even herself what she feels, but I believe that you mean more to her than she'd like to admit. After everything she's been through, she deserves happiness. Whether it hurts us or not."

Gavin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, fine. Look, I'm sorry for always being a dick, ok?"

"I appreciate the apology, but I understand why you're cruel to me, and while I don't agree with your methods, I can look past them for her."

"Glad we're on the same page."


Tasha's POV

I gasped as I woke up, sweat covering my body.

Connor came off of stand by mode, his eyes instantly holding worry. "What's wrong?"

Just a bad dream...

"Just... just a nightmare." I rubbed my eyes, trying to rid myself of the dark images filling my head.

Connor grabbed my face in his hands, his brown eyes gazing into mine deeply. "Would you like to talk about it?"


Tasha shook her head. "I don't... know what it was. I just remember darkness. It was like it was swallowing me."

"Well, you don't have to worry, my love." Connor kissed her, resting his forehead against hers. "I love you so very much, and I won't allow anything or anyone to hurt you."

Tasha smiled at him, the bad dream slowly disappearing from her mind as she leaned into his touch, relishing in the way his fingers moved down to her waist, touching the bare skin soothingly while he began to press opened mouth kisses to her neck.

"I love you, Connor." Tasha let out a quiet sigh as he flicked his tongue at her sensitive skin.

"As I love you, Tasha."

A/N: Wooo. I hope you all enjoyed :) If you have any Connor x Tasha requests let me know :3

If you like Gavin, go check out my Gavin x Tasha story.

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