Chapter 117: Who is In Control?

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Once Tasha had calmed down, they decided to take her to an isolated room so they could get to the bottom of what was going on. Connor held her hand every moment, not only to comfort her but also make sure if something happened she couldn't do anything rash.

"When did this all start happening?" Markus asked her as they all sat at the table.

Tasha sighed. "It all started when I let RK900 go and spared the people who killed my parents. I touched a device— it was like it called to me. I couldn't stop myself and by the time I realized something was wrong, I wasn't there anymore. I was in a garden, and I... Connor, I saw Amanda."

Connor was taken aback at her words, immediately holding her hand tighter. The idea that Amanda was who— was what was taking over her unsettled him, to say the least.

Tasha reached her free hand to North, who was tapping away at her tablet, no doubt doing research on who she had to kill to correct the problem. "Give me your tablet."

North handed it to her, all of them watching as Tasha's synthetic skin left her hand as she touched it, the big screen at the end of the table lit up with a video. The video of her memories.

They all sat in silence as they saw everything that had transpired the past month from Tasha's point of view. They saw the subtle changes and interactions with everyone. Rogue became more self aware every day, and they saw as Tasha was consumed by the virus in the garden.

Tasha pulled her hand away from the tablet.

Connor looked at her with frown. "I don't understand. We took down CyberLife."

"It was their last defence." North said. "But why would they use Tasha?"

"They've always been interested in her." Markus replied. "Why do you think they cut us off from her? It was all a test."

"Yeah, no shit. But why?" Gavin asked, "What could they gain from taking her over?"

"The assassination of the deviant leader." Connor replied.

"No, it's bigger than that." Tasha spoke quietly. "Markus may be the target but he isn't the end goal."

"What do you mean?" Connor asked as he brushed Tasha's hair away from her face.

She nodded slowly. "I remember walking up to that device and it was glowing purple. I remembering pressing the pad beneath it... it injected me with..." She trailed off.

"It's a virus."

Tasha was in shock when she realized the truth. "They want me to take out Markus and infect every deviant with the virus so they're compliant. They can restore CyberLife to its former glory."

"CyberLife's last chance to take down Deviants for good." Connor said, nodding in agreement. "It makes sense. You are the perfect target. They knew you'd go after your parents killers. As such, they knew we wouldn't stop until they were gone for good.

"That's all well and good, but how do we stop it?" Hank asked as one of the androids wrapped his wound.

"You have to kill me."

Everyone's eyes snapped to Tasha, wide with shock. "What?!"

"You're crazy if you think that we'd let—"

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