Chapter Fourty-Six: Mad World

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Everything is desolate and cold.

No light. No life.

There's just... nothing.

And then a small light in the distance

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And then a small light in the distance.

I run to it, as it gets wider and wider, until suddenly the light consumes the darkness, replacing it with new life.

This isn't right.

I'm dead...

Aren't I?

Why am I here now?

As my eyes opened I was met with bright lights, almost unbearably so

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As my eyes opened I was met with bright lights, almost unbearably so.

Where am I?

I looked down at my arm, where there were cords inserted into my veins. I tugged them out as I sat up, glancing around myself.

My lower right arm was a white shade— a huge contrast to the skin connected above.

Where's my skin?!

What's going on?!

As the thoughts were processed in my head, the white plastic faded into a flesh colour, causing me only more confusion.

"What the fuck?"

I grabbed onto my head as it throbbed. I could hear so many things. It was overwhelming.

I was in some sort of lab — tools and components scattered across the entire place.

Who am I?

Where am I?

Why am I here now?

My head felt like it was being hit by a metal rod repeatedly as I stood, walking towards a mirror, wiping it off to see my reflection.

"Who am I?"

I have green eyes, long, curly, brown hair...

Who am I?

Brown eyes flashed through my mind. Beautiful brown eyes. Over and over again.

Who are you?


I let out a scream as multiple people came towards me, pushing me back against the operating table. "You need rest. You need rest." They repeated over and over again, trying to shove the wires back into my body.

"Stop! Let me go!"

I pulled my arms away, refusing to let them insert anything else into me. "Where am I?! Who are you?!"

It was then another person came into the room — one I recognized.

I think.

"M-Markus?" I asked, my eyes wide as I began to thrash against the arms that pinned me down. "Let me go!" I screamed as the memories came back, one after another like daggers being stabbed into every inch of my body. "LET ME GO!"

"Tasha! You need to calm down."



Is that... my name?

The thoughts left me as I felt a needle shoved into my neck, causing me to let out a gasp. As I began to fade into the dark black hole once more, the last thing I saw were a pair of brown eyes staring down at me.



One Hour Earlier

Connor's POV


That's the only way Connor could describe being without Tasha. Each passing moment without her felt like an eternity, and the longer he went on without her, the worse it all felt.

"We have to give it time. There must be some way we can get it to work." Markus said quietly. "I know we can bring her back."

Connor didn't speak, flipping his coin around his fingers.

"Kamski said it would take time... I know it'll work, Connor." He clasped him on the shoulder, sighing. "She's a fighter. She'll make it. She has to."

Once Markus left, Connor allowed himself to let out a shaky breath, resting his head in his hands.

I shot Tasha.

I killed her.

I murdered the love of my life.

Connor shook his head, wiping the stray tears from his face.


His eyes snapped up, surveying the room around him. He was still alone. There was no one else. And yet he heard his name. Over and over again. A soft whisper.


"Help me, Connor."

He analyzed the room, trying to pinpoint the location of the voice but the voice wasn't being picked up by his scans.

Connor stood as he noticed androids running down the hall opposite of him, towards the operating room Tasha was in.

That's when he saw it.

Saw her.

She's... alive?

Tasha was being pushed onto the operating table by the androids, Markus trying to calm her as one stuck a needle into her neck, causing her body to go limp as she fell into a deep sleep.


Connor glared at Markus, "She was awake and you didn't get me?!"

"Connor — she's unstable. Had we kept her awake any longer she may have self destructed— give her time."

Markus and the other androids left Connor alone with her, allowing him time to process everything that had just happened.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't keep you safe." He brushed his thumb along her fingers, kissing her forehead. "I won't let anything happen to you, Tasha... I promise..."

I promise.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed! If you have any suggestions let me know. I wasn't going to post this until tomorrow but I couldn't just leave y'all hanging like that :)

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