Chapter 125: Suspicions

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*** F L A S H B A C K ***

Tasha wasn't looking forward to her field test. Before she would've felt energized and uplifted but at this point she was exhausted just climbing the stairs let alone climbing on bars and over obstacles.

Hank, being the protective type, decided to watch her field test. Tasha was still getting back into the swing of things, and he wanted to make sure she was doing alright.

Tasha was usually so hyperactive and attentive, so when Hank noticed Tasha slip up a few times during the course, he felt confused.

Very confused.

Hank noticed during the running portion of her test, she was significantly slower than average for her, and she was clenching her stomach from time to time. Hank passed that off as pain from all the activity, but he was still wary. When her run was done, she was out of breath and downing water like her life depended on it.


Hank noticed as Tasha left the test, she still had a hand placed onto her stomach, almost protectively.

"Hey kiddo. How'd your test go?" Hank asked as he caught up to her.

Tasha was still out of breath slightly, and her hand dropped from her stomach. "Good I think! I'm not as fast as I once was, but I still did better than most." She didn't look back as she continued walking.

As Hank sat back at his desk, he couldn't help but watch Tasha walk into the change room, once again with her hand on her stomach. What the hell is up with that?

Hank was lost in his thoughts when Connor walked over to his desk.

"So, how did she do?"

Hank didn't reply as his gaze continued facing the change room.

Connor stepped into Hank's view slightly. "Hank?"

Hank blinked owlishly for a moment, "Uh — What did you say?"

"I was just wondering how Tasha did on her test." Connor stated, "But it appears I may have taken you out of thought. You can always tell me la—"

"No, no, it's fine. Tasha did fine." Hank was silent for a moment as his brows furrowed. "Connor, have you noticed anything.. strange going on with Tasha?"

Connor blinked a few times as he processed Hank's words. "Strange?" He pondered this a moment, "I haven't noticed anything of the sort, Lieutenant."

Hank scoffed, "Lieutenant? Since when do you call me that, you're practically family now, Connor."

"Oh, I'm not quite sure. A change in pace, maybe? I admit it is quite weird to call you Lieutenant rather than Hank now."

Hank laughed, "It's alright, son. But you seriously haven't noticed anything odd going on with her?"

Connor shook his head, "No, nothing. Why do you ask?"

"It's probably nothing." Hank replied as he noticed Tasha coming out from the change room.

"Hank, if you think there's —"

"So, what did I miss?" Tasha walked up to them, a smile on her face. Her cheeks were tinged purple from the recent exercise, but her breathing had finally reached a normal pace.

"Nothing, Connor was just asking me how you did." Hank replied, taking a sip of cold coffee.

"Awe, were you worried about me?" Tasha teased, wrapping her arm around Connor's affectionately.

"I'm always worried." Connor admitted, resting his hand on her waist. "Hank said you did good."

"I think so too! I mean, I'm sure I could've done better but I feel like I ran for miles." Tasha admitted as a yawn fell from her lips.

Connor smiled softly at her, "Yes, your energy levels are very low." Connor dipped down to her ear, whispering, "It appears you won't be getting lucky tonight."

His joke made Tasha laugh as she slapped him playfully on the chest.

"Can you two get a god damn room?!" Gavin yelled in annoyance from his desk. "I can practically smell the sex radiating off of you two."

Tasha rolled her eyes. "Some of us don't mind PDA, Gav."

"Hey, I'll give you PDA if you want." He smirked at her, causing another eye roll.

"For once I have to agree with Gavin." Hank wrinkled his nose in disgust. "You two are way too touchy feely with each other."

Tasha shrugged, leaning up to kiss Connor on the lips causing both Hank and Gavin to groan in annoyance.


Tasha and Connor hosted dinner that evening. Of course Hank brought the wine and she was automatically uneasy as she realized she couldn't drink anymore. Hank even got her spritzers which were her favourite. She sighed as she passed on the bottle being passed to her, both Hank and Connor eyeing her suspiciously.

"I'll have it later, im not really in the alcohol-y mood." She faked a smile, taking a long sip of her cold, iced water.

"Not in the alcohol-y mood?" Hank asked, his eyebrows raised slightly.

Tasha shrugged, standing to grab the plates. "You two can go sit in the living room. I'll get started on the dishes."

"Tasha—" Connor objected, but Tasha shook her head at him.

"I am perfectly capable of washing a few plates, Connor." She smiled at him before turning her back to the duo, setting the plates in the kitchen sink.

She sighed in relief as her gaze lingered on her stomach for a moment, her hands resting on the edge of the counter. Tasha was exhausted, and she wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. She sighed, washing the dishes as quickly as she could.

Tasha jumped slightly when arms snaked around her waist, resting on her abdomen. She chuckled slightly, continuing to wash the dishes. "What are you doing, Connor?"

He was remained slightly as he pressed his lips against her neck, his hands gently pushing her body back into his.

"C-Connor, Hank is in the other room."

"I am aware, my love, but it's not like he hasn't caught us before." His lips brushed against her sweet spot, her body melting back again his as she bit her lip. "He did find us in the locker room that one time..." His voice trailed off as his hands slipped under her shirt, resting on her bare belly.

Tasha turned around, slapping his chest playfully. She wrapped an arm around his neck seductively, "If you're good, maybe tonight I might just be able to... charge up your parts tonight."

Connor's brown eyes glazed over slightly as he leaned his lips down. "I like the sound of that."

Before his lips could touch hers, Tasha pressed a soapy finger to his lips. Connor furrowed his brows, moving his lips to her cheeks before turning to go back to Hank.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright?"

Connor's concerned voice made Tasha feel a pit in her stomach. She nodded as she began to dry off the plates. "Yeah, I'm feeling great, Con."

That couldn't be further from the truth.

A/N: Small flashback chapter for you guys to when Hank is putting 2+2 together on the whole pregnancy. I know I don't update as often, and honestly it's because I haven't written for this in ages and it doesn't inspire me often. I will write whenever I can. Please if you can follow my other stories too 💜 it means a lot.

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