Chapter Sixty-Six: Tragedy

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3rd Person POV

Tasha rolled her eyes as she pretended to listen to another one of Hank's boring conversations about death metal to Connor.

How much longer must I listen to this shit?

"Shouldn't we be out looking for a lead for our case?" Tasha tried to interrupt their conversation, tapping her foot impatiently as she leaned against the table. "Instead of sitting here eating two thousand calories?"

"The investigation will still be here after this meal, Tasha. Live a little."

Tasha's lack of emotions had begun to create havoc in her own mind

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Tasha's lack of emotions had begun to create havoc in her own mind. The more she allowed herself to spend time with Connor, the more she longed to love him again. This brought fear, which in turn brought anger and all of them bundled together causing her stress to become overwhelming at times.

I want to feel.

But it hurts too much.

"Unfortunately, I am living a little, and you're fucking boring." Tasha sighed as she ignored the rest of the conversation, her eyes scanning the crowd of people.

This is useless. The lead would have to be a complete moron to —

Tasha's eyes narrowed slightly as they met a mans gaze. He was fidgeting, sweating profusely and when he noticed her dead gaze, he immediately began running in the opposite direction.

"Hey! Tasha! What the fuck —"

Tasha ran after the man, not looking back at Hank or Connor who were calling after her. She followed the man through an abandoned building, to a roof top.

"Stop right there!" Tasha held her pistol towards the man. "I won't ask again."

The man slowly turned, his hands slowly rising. "I — Please, I didn't mean to —"

"You murdered an innocent woman... you're the filth humans need to eradicate."

"Please, I—"

In a single moment Tasha shot the man, not once, not twice, but three times. Once in the chest, once in the neck and finally once in the head.

Tasha turned, not stopping when she noticed Hank and Connor both staring at her with wide eyes.

"Case closed."

Connor closed his eyes and hung his head, while Hank looked at Tasha with a furious expression

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Connor closed his eyes and hung his head, while Hank looked at Tasha with a furious expression.

"What the hell was that?!"

Hank yelled as Tasha put her weapon back in her holster, "Why did you shoot him?! That was our lead and you killed him!"

"Lead my ass. He wasn't going to cooperate. We had a problem, and I saw a solution. Who am I to stop that?" Her eyes held nothing as she looked at her partners.  "I was doing my job, Hank. He murdered someone, and I took him out. Case closed."

"Who the fuck are you? Because you're definitely not the kid I raised."

"The weak little girl you raised died the day her lover killed her." Tasha went to walk past them, but Hank grabbed onto her arm.

"Yeah? I don't believe that for a second." Hank narrowed his eyes as he stared at her. "You can pretend all you want, but we both know that little girl is still in there."

Tasha's usual blank expression turned into one of fury as she ripped her arm from Hank's grasp

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Tasha's usual blank expression turned into one of fury as she ripped her arm from Hank's grasp. "Don't fucking touch me." She growled before pointing her pistol to her head.


"What the fuck are you doing?!" Hank went to grab the gun, but Tasha cocked it, loading the bullet to the barrel.

"I. Don't. Care." Tasha emphasized each word as Connor stepped towards her. "Why - why should I care when all that brought me before was misery?"

 "Why - why should I care when all that brought me before was misery?"

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With an eye roll Tasha shoved the pistol against Connor's chest. Before he could grab her, Tasha jumped from the roof, grabbing onto the railing of the other building, quickly disappearing out of their sight.

"We're running out of time, Connor..." Hank said, his face showing his concern.

"If she stays this way much longer, I don't think we'll get her back."

"We can't give up. I won't give up." Connor said as he turned away from Hank.

I won't give up on you.

A/N: What's better than drama after a chapter of smut? XD I hope you enjoyed! I can't wait to read your comments.

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