Chapter Twenty- Eight: Clarity

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* slight smut *

"I see you're still with the robot."

I rolled my eyes, already annoyed with Gavin's presence. He had been increasingly clingy ever since Connor and I became a couple — we wouldn't display a ton of affection at work, but even so Gavin was always up my ass about it.

"I see you're still a douche bag." I ignored his presence, staring at the file on my screen.

"Has he even kissed you yet? Do androids even have sexual desires?" Gavin sneered, leaning down to me. "You know, if he isn't... pleasing you, I can help with that."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh please, I don't want to get an STI, thanks though."

Gavin chuckled, "I love your spirit, Tash. I just wish you'd figure out that it's never gonna work with that hunk of plastic."

"What does it matter to you, creep?" I seethed, glaring at him. "Can't you just be happy for me?"

"I just don't want you to get hurt," Gavin crossed his arms against his chest. "I see the way you look at him. I bet you wish he'd make the next move. I mean, you look like a girl who'd like to be dominated — and that definitely isn't Connor."

I continued typing, trying to ignore him.


"I bet you crave someone to touch you," I jumped as I felt Gavin rest his hand on my leg.

I shoved his hand away, glaring. "Oh for gods sake, Gavin." I got up from my chair, trying to walk away from him. "Grow up!"

He pulled me into the coffee room by my arm, holding me in place.

"Let me go, Gavin!"

"I don't think I will," He went to lean down, and I slapped his face, causing him to let me go, falling back a few paces.

"You're a piece of fucking work, Gavin, I'll give you that." I spit at him, but he just seemed more intrigued as he pushed me against the wall, his arms on either side of my face.

"Why can't you just deal with the fact that I'm with Connor now." I asked, glaring up at him. "There was a time we were friends, you know."

"We are still friends," Gavin shrugged, "You can't tell me that you haven't thought about us."

"Since I met Connor, no I haven't thought about us." I sneered, pushing my hands against his chest, trying to push him away. "Get the fuck off me, Gavin."

"Is everything alright?"

Connor came into the room, his LED was blinking yellow and he looked somewhat angry.

"Everything's fine, why don't you go bother someone else?" Gavin sneered as Connor walked over to us, grabbing onto Gavin's arm and pulling him away from me.

"That's funny coming from you." Connor retorted, glaring at the man. "Leave Tasha alone."

Oh, how I love him.

"What are you gonna do about it? Hmm, Connor?!"

Connor's LED was blinking red as he stared at Gavin. I could tell he was fighting with himself internally — he wasn't supposed to harm humans, only help them.

I walked past Gavin, ignoring his words as I strutted towards Connor who was staring at me with confused eyes as his LED turned to yellow.

"What are you—"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his passionately, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Connor was taken aback, he stared at me for a moment before leaning into me, his hands moving to hold my waist.

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