Chapter 133: Reconcile

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Another day passed and Tasha finally had the guts to try to talk to Connor. Tasha felt guilty for her actions, even though she was on a break from being with Connor, she still knew it was wrong. She shook her head, trying to focus when Hank answered the phone.

"Kid, is that you?"

"Hey Hank, I was wondering if Connor—"

All of the sudden there was a loud commotion and a grunt could be heard from Hank as another voice spoke.


Tasha felt her heart race at the sound of his angelic voice. "Connor?"

"I didn't — I didn't know if you would want to talk to me." He spoke softly, and she could tell he was nervous.

"I... Can..." She sighed as she tried to regain her composure and nerve, "I want to see you. Today..."

"I'll meet you by the river at 6pm. Does that sound alright?"

Tasha smiled slightly at his calculated voice. "Y-yeah, Connor. I'll... I'll see you there, alright?"

The line went dead and Tasha sighed deeply as she got ready to meet him. She wasn't sure how she felt, but she knew she wanted to make up with him. She was sick of fighting with Connor because of the pregnancy, and she wasn't going to leave without them having a proper conversation for once.

When Tasha arrived at the park, she noticed Connor was leaning against the tree, staring at the sun which was slowly beginning to set. She hummed subconsciously as she walked over to him, until silence overtook her being as guilt rose in her mind and heart the closer she got to her husband.


He turned to her, smiling one of the most happiest smiles she had ever seen him do. "Tasha, I-" He seemed stuck in his head for a moment. "I'm very glad you came."

"I told you I would." She smiled slightly as she stood next to him, her eyes gazing towards the sunset.

"I just, after how I've treated you I wouldn't have blamed you if you didn't show." Connor said, his gaze still on her face. She looked radiant, her skin almost glowing in a way.

"That's why we're here

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"That's why we're here. I... I can't live without you, Con. And... I want us to talk through this. That's what a couple is supposed to do... but you— you completely shut me out."

"I... I know and it was wrong of me to do so." Connor sighed as he looked down at her, unable to keep from smiling even the smallest bit from her presence.

Tasha noticed this, and too smiled. "I... Connor, I just want things to go back to normal... I miss you so much and — and I know that you don't want the baby, but —"

"No!" Connor exclaimed instantly, making Tasha's eyes widen slightly as he continued to speak. "Tasha, I want — I want to have this child with you."

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