TMNT x Reader | Self Taught Artist

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((A/N) I'm gonna write this without mentioning a particular turtle, cause I feel like they would be kind of the same

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((A/N) I'm gonna write this without mentioning a particular turtle, cause I feel like they would be kind of the same. Raph might be a bit more brutal than Mikey but it comes down to the same thing 💕)

"What's wrong sweetheart?", your boyfriend asked as soon as you entered the lair.

This guy just knew you too well. 

"Your artwork again?", he wanted to know when you didn't give him an answer.

"Yeah", you shrugged.

"Tell me, maybe I can help", he said and guided you to the couch.

"I ... I know that my art is good right? And I've sold a few here and there but my family is right. It's not worth it. I'm no top notch artist, no Van Gogh or Da Vinci ... I just ... dabble", you said.

"What are you talking about? You're an amazing artist! I've seen your work and it's phenomenal", he exclaimed.

"Thank you, but it's not good enough to make a living", you said with tears in your eyes.

"Hey ... shhh ... come here", he pulled you into a hug.

"I love painting so much but I need to have a job where I can actually get money", you said.

"How about you sell it online? As a part time job?", he suggested.

"I don't have time for that babe. It's so much work. Setting up the page, taking pictures, writing descriptions ... I just want to paint. Trying to get better", you explained.

"Then let me help you. I can take care of that website for you."


"Sure. You paint in your free time and I put everything online. You might have to go to the post office yourself though, don't know how they'd feel about a giant turtle entering", he laughed.

This made you laugh too and all of the tensions just went away. 

"But what about a real job?"

"Listen sweetheart. You get a "real" job now and paint whenever you have time. No pressure at all, okay? And then, with your skills it will be soon, you can do it full time. I believe in you. You could proof them all wrong!", he answered and kissed your hand.

"You're literally the best", you smiled.

"I know", he laughed and pulled you in for another kiss.

TMNT x Reader | Song preferences | Imagines PART TWO!Where stories live. Discover now