TMNT x Reader | Muslim

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"What's wrong baby girl?", you heard your boyfriend say as soon as you entered the lair

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"What's wrong baby girl?", you heard your boyfriend say as soon as you entered the lair.

You were crying and probably looked like a mess but your boyfriend was up in a second, running over to you to hug you.

"Everyone hates me", you sobbed.

"What are you talking about?", he said and pulled back to look at you, "no one hates you!"

"Of course they do", you said.

He pulled you to the couch and made you sit on his lab. He brushed the hair out of your face, lifted you chin up and smiled at you.

"Tell me everything", he demanded.

"Well, I don't know where to start", you said.

"At the beginning?"

"I was walking home, just like any other day you know. And then there were some teens, or twens I don't know, who already looked at me like I'm a kind of freak. Then they yelled at me saying thing like "oh my god she's gonna blow us all up", and "do you have a bomb?". I ... I didn't know what to say or do so I just ran away", you said and cried again.

You placed your forehead on his plastron and let the tears run down. Your boyfriend sat there without saying a word. However, you could feel how tense he was and you saw that he was clenching his fists.

"Fucking idiots", he said.

"No, they're right."

"They're not", he gave back and made you look at him again, "they have no idea what they're even talking about. Just because you have a different religion? Because you wear a hijab? The fuck is wrong with people?"

He was getting mad. You've never seen him get mad at people, apart from the foot, because they always try to please them but this was different.

"You're perfect. Everything about you is. Don't let them talk you down or make you feel bad. They're not worth it. Tomorrow, I'll be walking you home", he said.

"But you could be seen!", you gasped.

"I don't care. It's about your safety and I'd do anything for that."

"Tank you", you smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too. I'll keep you safe baby girl", he said before kissing you.

TMNT x Reader | Song preferences | Imagines PART TWO!Where stories live. Discover now