TMNT x Reader | Twins!

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Ever since you found out you were pregnant you've been more careful than usual

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Ever since you found out you were pregnant you've been more careful than usual. You ate better, didn't lift too heavy things and just tried everything to make you and the baby safe. You wanted to make everything right and carrying a baby from a mutated turtle was difficult. 

Your boyfriend has been a mess since day one. He wasn't mad or anything just overly nervous. Most of the time he didn't know what to do but he tried his best. 

"Are you excited?", you asked him on the way to the doctors.

"Nervous", he gave back.

You squeezed his hand a little and gave him an encouraging smile. You knew what he was a afraid of and you were too.

"It will be fine", you assured him.

The hospital was full of people, mutants, kids ... your turtle felt a little uncomfortable. Mainly cause he didn't know how your baby was doing but also because he didn't like crowded places. 

Once you were called you laid down and lifted your shirt up. The ultrasound gel was cold and tingly which made you laugh a little. You boyfriend never left your side. He was standing next to you, holding your hand, squeezing it from time to time. 

Your doctor was gentle and sweet. She explained everything to you, that it won't hurt and that you even get to take a print home with you. Both of them, her and your turtle, made you feel better and relaxed. 

"Are you ready to see your baby?", she asked and both of you nodded.

The screen was still facing the doctor so you took a quick glance at your boyfriend. He was sweating but tried to hide his emotions as best as possible. You were just smiling when you heard your doctor shift a little.

"Hm", she made.

You immediately looked at her, worrying that something was wrong.

"What is it?", you asked in a shaky voice.

The grip around your hand became tighter.

"Nothing out of the ordinary ...", she started.

"But??", you turtle said.

"You need to make a few adjustments", she said.

"Adjustments? To what?", you wondered as the suspense was killing you.

"For two babies", she smiled and finally turned the screen so you could see it.

"Two?", your boyfriend gasped.

"Twins?", you asked.

"Healthy and well!"

You looked up and saw a surprised turtle. He smiled down at you and you couldn't help but cry a little.

"Shhhh sweetheart, it's okay", he said and kissed the top of your head.

"She's overwhelmed that's all", the doctor said, "want to know what it is?"

You've talked about this before. Neither of you were sure of it at first. On one hand you really wanted to find out the gender but on the hand, it would be a nice surprise. At the end you agreed to know it as soon as possible.

"Yes!", both of you said.

"Well, from what I can tell", she started and took another quick scan of your belly, "they're both girls."

You squeaked and boyfriend let out a sigh.

"Seems like you're outnumbered soon", you laughed.

"I can deal with it. I have three brothers they're worse than three girls", he gave back and laughed as well.

This was one of the best days of your life. You couldn't wait to get back home and share the wonderful news with everyone.

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