TMNT x Reader | Job Visit

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Imagine you were totally in the zone

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Imagine you were totally in the zone. reading a good book, maybe a thriller, or listening to your favorite music. All of a sudden you saw something in the corner of your eye and first played off as nothing. Who would be there int he first place right? But you took a second look and saw a shadow. It was getting closer to you and you quickly put everything away. It could have been your boss nonetheless, for a surprise visit to see if you're actually working.

But no, it was your boyfriend. Your huge, mutated, turtle boyfriend.

"What are you doing here?", you asked and quickly scanned the room to see if anyone else might be there, anyone who might have noticed him.

"No one saw me, don't worry. I'm a ninja after all, right?", he smiled.

He came closer to you and lifted your chin up in order to give you a kiss.

"Okay, if you're so sure. But what are you doing here?", you asked again.

"I wanted to visit my beautiful girlfriend, see if she's okay."

"Of course I'm okay. What could happen to me?", you laughed.

"Hey, I tried to be romantic, okay?", he laughed as well.

"You're too cute babe. Thank you for visiting me."

You gave him another kiss and pulled him back to your little workspace. 

"So this is where you work huh?", he wanted to know and looked around.

It wasn't big or much but it was fine for the job you did. He scanned your desk and frowned a little.

"No picture of me?"

"I can't just put a pic of us there. And you know why", you explained in a sad tone.

"Yeah I know", he said and rubbed the back of his neck, "that's why I got you something."

He pulled out something from his back pocket and placed it in your hand. You saw a beautiful heart necklace which made you smile. 

"It's beautiful", you cooed.

"Open it", he ordered.

"You .. you can...?"

You were surprised but couldn't wait to open the pendant. Inside was a beautiful picture of the two of you. On the other side was your anniversary date.

"Oh God, it's so gorgeous. Thank you so much", you said and kissed him.

"A way to have me near", he smiled.

"You can stay here a bit longer if you want to."

"Anything for you sweetheart."

You sat down and talked for a while until it was time for him to leave again.

TMNT x Reader | Song preferences | Imagines PART TWO!Where stories live. Discover now