Girl talk / chapter 2

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Erika had just got to Tessa's house and knocks on the door, Mackenzie opens the door
E: heyyy
Mac: wassup Rik
T: come in
T: follow me to my room
Mackenzie and Erika follow tessa to her room once they get there she closes the door
T: oh there's some pizza get some
They eat and watch movies
Ma: So do you guys actually like Alissa ?
T: not really if we're being honest but don't tell her
Ma: same, Rik you?
E: well idk her that well yet so for start off not really just cause I know she doesn't like me
T: well trust me once you get to know her everything is about her. She thinks everything has to be about her, if I like someone, she says they had something before , if I look nice she always says that she looks better, she just makes things about her.
Ma: Yup
E: wow , how long have Jake and her been together?
T: it's already gonna be 2 years.
E: wow , so you guys dating anyone ?
Ma: well I'm not supposed to say anything but me and kade have this little thing going on
T: wait are you serious?
Ma: yeah don't say anything
T: well Mac you already know but I'm dating Chance.
E: is he that one kid that's part of that trio Jake has it with Anthony and that kid right ?
T: yeah *laughs*
E: wait so that would be chessa, #chessa
T: yeahhh so Erika are you feeling anyone yet ?
E: idk I mean this one boy is cute but he's dating someone already so
Ma: who ?
T: wait don't say anything yet Megan is here imma go get the door
Tessa comes back with Megan
M: wassup Rik and Mac
E: heyyy
Ma: we were just talking about boys, meg wanna tell Erika who your dating ?
M: *laughs* yeah I guess, I'm dating Anthony. But only you guys know so don't say anything
E: awww how cute
T: wait Erika you gonna tell us who this boy is ?
E: umm... it's kinda ... jake
T: Jake ? Ooohh girl you better be happy your secret is safe with us cause Alissa will be pissed.
M: Yup
Ma: mhm
T: oh meg there's some pizza forgot to tell you
M: okay
E: wait guys you guys can't say a word about Jake . Okay
T: I gotchu baby
Ma: safe with me
M: lips are locked
E: okay thanks and I won't say anything about you and Kade Mackenzie or you and Anthony Megan.
T: same
Ma: thanks
M: yeah thanks
E: it's so cool we're like a small girl circle only us 4
M: accept Alissa comes and hangs with us too. We have no idea how she finds out though.
Ma: yeah but she's on jakes dick right now
Erikas POV: ouch that hurt to hear but I mean it's true they are a couple and I need to stop thinking about Jake
T: I think she honestly uses him for sex
M: true
E: poor Jake , he really loves her
T: yeah true
E: when's the last day of school ?
M: may 31st why ?
E: just wondering, it's March so two more months dealing with her. Nice .
Ma: she's gonna be at East next year too
E: ugh
They all just chill and watch movies
M: I think I should get going my mom wants me home
T: okay bye megggg
Ma: bye babyyy
E: byeee
They all hug
E: shit I have to get home too , I'll see you at school tomorrow
T: bye Rik I love you pickle
Ma: bye rikky seeya
E: bye
They all hugs again
Erika gets into her car and starts driving home, when she gets there her mom gets there too
E: woo good timing hah
(Erikas mom=Em.)
Em: Yup better get inside honey.
E: cominggg
Em: So sweetie before I go back to work, how was your first day there ?
E: good I made a few friends.
Em: that's good , any boys ?
E: as friends yes, but not boyfriends *laughs*
Em: okay well I'll be back around 11 tonight. Love you
E: okay mom love you too
Her moms leaves .
Erika goes upstairs to her room and lays on her bed. She then gets a text message
??: hey Erika its me jake
Erika: hey Jake
Jake: are you home ?
Erika: uh yeah why ?
Jake: I need help for history homework can I come over ?
Erika: yeah that's fine
Jake: address?
Erika: 378 Apple Street
Jake: aight see you soon
Off texts*

A/N: gonna post again so stay tuned for that. What will happen at Erika house when they are alone ? Find out

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