Squad outing / chapter 7

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Jakes POV: it's been about 2 weeks since that things happened I don't even wanna think about it. I haven't done anything about it but I know I should, but I can't I love her too much. I have so many feelings in me. I've been ignoring everyone but today I'm gonna take the squad to the movies then to go eat lunch.
Team 10 groupchat
Blondie: yo who's down to go to the movies and then eat lunch after
Alissa: pick me up when you go
Rik: down
Chance: I'll be there
Tessa: yeah I'll go
Mackenzie: if kade takes me then yeah
Kade: So down and babe I'll pick you up
Anthony: why not
Megan: can't
Tessa: I'll be there
Chad: sure
Blondie: okay go to the movies first go to the cinema by that Taco Bell we could go there after. All on me got it. Btw the get there right now.
Alissa: okay come get me babe
Blondie: on my way
Erika: I'll be there
Chance: on my way
Tessa: coming
Kade: Mackenzie wait outside your house I'm coming
Chad: can't go actually sorry
Anthony: I'm already gonna be there haha
Off texts*
Jakes POV: I really hope everything goes well. I've been really distant from everyone accept Erika and Alissa I've tried to with Alissa but she keeps coming. So I'm paying for everyone.
Jake picks up Alissa and meets with everyone
K: yo Jake your sure you gonna pay for everyone?
J: yeah I got it don't worry
E: thanks Blondie
J: yeah of course
J: what movie y'all wanna watch ?
C: Deadpool 2
T: yeah
E: I kinda wanna watch a kids movie
K: I say Deadpool 2
Mac: I agree with kade
A: 50 shades of grey *winks at jake*
J: dead pool 2 it is
Jake buys everyone their ticket for the movie and gives it to them
J: anyone want snacks? Popcorn? Candy? Soda? Water? Hotdogs? Big pretzels?
E: are you sure you wanna use money on all of us?
J: yes it's totally fine just get whatever.
E: I'm good
A: I want water
K: popcorn for me and Mackenzie
Chessa: candyyyy
An: soda
T: I'm fine
J: okay be right back I'll come back with y'all stuff
E: I'll go with y-
A: I'm going with him
Alissa walks with Jake to the cashier and buys the stuff. Once Jake pays for it they get it and Alissa helps him take it to everyone. Then they go watch the movie.
Their seating is kade, Mackenzie, tessa, Chance, Anthony, Erika, Jake, and alissa.
A: thank you for this babe *whispers*
J: yeah of course *whispers*
They kiss
Erika rolls her eyes
Once the movie is finished they walk out and talk for a while
J: wanna go eat ?
T: yeah we should
K: where at ?
E: I'm cool with whatever
A: whatever you do babe
Ma: not really hungry but I'll go
C: I'm starving it don't matter, I'll eat anything
J: okay Taco Bell?
C: let's go to that once across the street we could all walk
T: yeah
E: cool
K: let's go
They all walk to Taco Bell.

A/N: y'all imma update again, just wait . What will happen when they get there ? An argument? Jalissa breaking up ? Stay tuned

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