Jealousy / chapter 47

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Erikas POV: I sat in the living room watching tv until I heard the door bell ring, I opened the door and saw Blake. I hugged him and lead him inside. We sat down and talked.

E: so as you heard I broke up with Jake... to be with you.
B: you wanna be my girlfriend?
E: sure.
B: okay so can I hang for a little?
E: yeah, your not doing anything for New Years?
B: nope.
E: good.

We laugh. We sit together. I was staring at him as he watched tv. He was comforting, looking at him made me feel weird. It's different from Jake. Then Jake walked through the door.

No ones POV: let stake it back 30 minutes.

Jakes POV: me and Alissa were just talking and laughing. Alissa then grabbed her phone and looked at it then rolled her eyes.

A: my friend needs me, the other day she got into a toxic relationship. Um, I'm sorry I gotta go, can we hang out later?
J: place?
A: yeah definitely.. see ya
J: see ya.

When Alissa left I started having the urge to cry. I left about 2 minutes after she did. I drove back home. I heard Erika voice before I opened the door, I stood outside thinking for about 5 minutes. I then heard a mans voice. Did she bring the guy she left me for here?
I opened the door and see her and some random guy on the couch laughing. I looked at her.

J: is that him?

Erika looked at the guy then looked back at me and nodded.

J: okay... hey I'm Jake, jake paul

I stuck my hand out to shake it. He stuck out his and shook it.

B: I know, I seen you from vine, by the way I'm Blake micheals.
J: okay cool, Erika we still friends right?
E: mhm.
J: okay nice meeting you Blake, I'll be in my room if you guys need anything.
E: okay.

I walked into my room and closed the door behind me. I locked it so no one could go in. I started crying in my pillow. I felt so lifeless. I just laid there staring at the ceiling. Thinking. Why would she choose him? I'm way bigger than him. How can she just bring him into mine and my brothers apartment, she lives here for free. I just can't believe she brought him here, the day we broke up. Good thing Alissa is coming over, Erika is gonna be jealous.
About an hour later I heard the doorbell ring, I figured Erika would open it. Then after a minute I realized Alissa was coming over so I blasted to them.

Erikas POV: we were still watching tv when I heard the door bell ring. I got up and opened it. I saw Alissa standing there.

E: uh... wrong apartment sweetie...

As I was about to close the door, jake reached over me and grabbed the door.

J: actually it's the right apartment.

I moved out of the way and Alissa stepped in and hugged Jake. Are they serious. SHE FUCKING CHEATED TWICE. What the fuck. I pulled Jake aside.

E: are you fucking serious.
J: um me and Alissa are just friends now, even if...why would you care?

When Jake said that he walked back to Alissa and brought her to his room. I sat back down in shock. I can't believe what just happened.

B: who was that?
E: that's his ex, she cheated on him twice and he's crawling back to her. He was so hurt. I can't believe she's here I hate her.
B: oh damn.
E: she's just so toxic.
B: okay well, don't worry about them, it's us now.
E: okay.

Jakes POV: me and Alissa went into my room and we just talked and watched tv. She kept getting touchy but I got away from that. She stayed for a long time. I forgot it was New Year's Eve. Me and Alissa decided to go into the living room where Erika and Blake were. We all talked. It was pretty awkward but whatever. The count down came. Erika was all excited, I loved seeing her like that. They probably were gonna kiss.

Everyone accept jake: 5...4...3..2..HAPPY NEW YEARS

I look over and they kiss right in front of me. When they pulled back I grabbed Alissa and kissed her. She kissed back and it lasted for a hot second. Erika wasn't having it. She got jealous. Just how I wanted her. After a while Blake and Alissa left. It was just me and Erika. Alone. Logan was at all these parties we were supposed to be at.

E: "friends" huh?
J: yup
E: that didn't look friendly *laughs*
J: you act like you never had a friendly kiss with anyone *laughs*
E: you got me there *laughs*

It got silent for a little bit.

J: happy New Years.
E: happy New Years

She kept getting close me. The butterflies in my stomach wouldn't stop fluttering, we were so close I could feel her breath on my face. Then I started leaning in and closing my eyes and our lips connected. She kissed back, I was surprised knowing she was with someone else already. We were making out, I didn't think this would happen, it's like 1 am. I pulled back.

J: I-I'm sorry you probably didn't want that since your w-with someone and-
E: calm down, it's okay

She got on her tip toes and kissed me again. This time she jumped on me. I held her up. I fell on the couch and she sat ontop of me. She started using tongue. Wait, why is Erika kissing me? Doesn't she have a boyfriend? She broke up with me, for someone else, yet she's trynna smash. Girls are so confusing. I got up without breaking the kiss and we went into my room. You already know what happened 😏

A/N: woahhh 🤪

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