The dance / chapter 4

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Skips to the day of the dance*
Jakes POV: me and the boys went to go buy some suits, so basically I'm going with my babe, tony and Megan, tessa and Chance, kade and Mackenzie, and Erikas gonna three wheel all of us but I'm cool with it. I'm pretty sure all the girls are with each other doing makeup hair, and getting their dresses. Me and Alissa decided to match, we're going black.
J: yo you guys ready ?
C: yeah bro you getting the limo?
J: yeah it's gonna be here in 30 minutes then we'll pick up the girls.
An: do I look good ?
J: yeah bro fresh
Ch: what's up guys I made it anyways, I'm being a girl her name is Sarah she's waiting in the other room
J: ight bro
K: okay well we all ready then ?
J: Yup just waiting for the limo
(A/N: btw they're at jakes house and the girls are at Tessa's)
Erikas POV: I don't have a date for the dance, but Jake is letting me stick with him and Alissa. Tessa was right, when us girls went to try on dresses she was making it all about her. But anyways we're all ready
E: So Jake and the boys are gonna pick us up in the limo right t ?
T: yes they should be here in 20 minutes
A: jake is mine tonight girls
Ma: we know liss
A: just saying *looks at erika*
E: *rolls her eyes*
T: okay well you guys want anything before we leave? Extra perfume, water, snacks?
M: I'm fine
A: nah
E: no thanks
Ma: no thanks
T: okay well E let me fix your hair there's a piece sticking out
E: better ?
T: yeah
E: they're gonna be here right now
Jakes POV: the limo got here and we gave the driver Tessa's address, as we were in the car the limo had stuff in it, snacks, water, there was some condoms(😂) Chance kept taking some.
J: y'all here they come
C: my tessa is beautiful omg
J: look at my babe
An: y'all turn downs look at Megan
Ch: I got my girl already woop
K: is that even Mackenzie she's so beautiful
J: Erika looks good too
Erikas POV: I was getting nervous walking to the limo, what will jake think of me and all these things in my mind. Even tho Alissa wants Jake to herself tonight I'm gonna be right there I do not care what she says.
Limo driver opens the door for the girls and they get in and sit next to their dates
A: hi Jakey you look hot
J: you do too babe
E: hey guys
J: Erika you look good too
A: *death stares jake*
J: *rolls his eyes*
Once they get to the dance they all get it if the limo, they go and take pictures together, everyone takes one with their date then a group picture.
When they get into the actual dance they all dance to slow songs but Erika stays alone at the table
Erikas POV: why can't I get over him? It's like I know one day something will happen. Me and Jake have a small connection, we always go off on our own at school and sometimes after school, I really like this boy, sucks he doesn't feel the same. When is he gonna open his eyes and realize that Alissa is using him. I really want to tell him but he really loves Alissa it'll hurt him too much. Blondie is such a cute soft jock.
Alissa's POV: I really like Jake, his sex is the best. I think that's what I'm more into tho. Erika is a bitch you could definitely tell she's trying to steal him from me which is never gonna happen. She's a loner.
As Alissa and Jake is dancing Erika looks at them, Alissa sees her looking and she makes out with him right in front of her and smiles at her.
Erikas POV: I'm like so done with Alissa she knows I was looking at Jake and she made out with him right in front of me as they were dancing. They made out for like a minute or two. I'm just gonna leave I don't wanna see this. I got up and walked out. Everyone was busy dancing with their date they didn't even notice I was gone. I called an Uber and went home, luckily no one was home it was just me, so I just went upstairs, took off my makeup, took a shower and put on comfy clothes on, and I literally cried in my pillow. I hate having feelings it's the worst.
Jakes POV: me and Alissa were slow dancing and Erika was sitting alone, she started to stare at me and Alissa, then Alissa kissed me Alissa made out with me and When I looked back Erika was gone, I thought maybe she was getting punch or something but she never came back. When we all went back to sit at the table I decided to text Erika, she didn't answer until like 20 minutes later
Blondie😍: where you at Rik ?
Rik 🐐: im home why ?
Blondie😍: why'd you leave?
Rik🐐: wasn't feeling good
Riks pov: I lied my feelings weren't feeling good but my health is fine
Blondie😍: okay well get some rest good night
Rik🐐: okay good night
Read 9:27 pm

A/n: I'll update again so stay tuned .

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