New years / chapter 25

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Jakes POV: it's New Year's Eve and me and Erika are hosting a party. We have everything set for tonight. It's gonna get lit. Kisses. Drinks. Dancing. Food. Oh yeah it's gonna be fun. We invited basically the whole school, I mean not to brag or anything but I'm really famous and people love me. So a lot of people most likely will show up. Recently Chance and Tessa broke up. Tessa has been real distant from everyone accept Erika and Erika tells me everything. I feel bad for them. Chance was really in love with her and Tessa just dumped him, for another dude named Tristan. Chance is still trying to get with someone else to get over her maybe tonight he will find someone.

J: ready for the party baby
E: more than ever Blondie.
J: remember the word ?
E: yes , roses.
J: okay good girl
E: you speak to me like a dog.
J: *laughs* I love you
E: love ya too people are about to show up. You put everything we don't want to be broken away ?
J: Yup locked in our room.
E: okay good boy
J: So were dogs now ?
E: I don't know about that *laughs*
J: wow I can't believe it's already gonna be 2015.
E: I know how exciting.
J: you wanna be my New Years kiss
E: duh
J: don't heat it up tho.
E: no promises. Look people are here.

Erika opens the door and a whole group of people come in at a time.

T: hey E
E: I'm so glad you showed up
T: yeah, this is my new boyfriend Tristan
Tr: hey
E: hi I'm Erika this is my boyfriend Jake
Tr: dude no way your Jake Paul
J: hey
Tr: omg bro can we take a picture ?
J: of course

They take a picture

Tr: thank you so much
T: hey Jake
J: hey Tess
T: listen can we talk ?
J: yeah

Tessa and Jake walk off.

Erikas POV: the way Tessa asked to talked to Jake sounded weird. I hope theres nothing going on.

J: what's up ?
T: I'm sorry
J: about ?
T: dumping Chance, the truth is my feelings for Chance haven't always been strong. I've been feeling this guy, and I thought Chance was with another girl so I told him how I felt, and dumped him. I felt really bad. Is he okay ?
J: he's not doing the best but he's looking for someone new.
T: I'm so sorry
J: it's okay tessa after all your like a little sister to me.

They hug.

T: thank you let's go back ?
J: yeah

They walk back.

E: hey Jake
J: yeah baby ?
E: come here real quick.

They walk off a little.

J: yeah ?
E: did you guys hug?
J: yeah ? She's like my little sister and she was just telling me why she dumped Chance and asked me to forgive her.
E: oh okay
J: you mad at that ?
E: no I was just being dramatic sorry
J: it's okay baby girl.

They hug and walk back to welcoming people as they enter.

Sunny's POV: I'm new to east side high. I heard there was a party with the famous Jake Paul and Erika Costell so I decided to go hoping to make friends. Wait your wondering who I am huh. Well I'm Sunny Malouf. Im a singer, trying to get noticed by professionals. I moved to Cleveland Ohio because my moms job. I'm literally in love with Erikas modeling career, I love jakes vines too. I watch his videos sometimes. When I heard they went to the school as well I freaked. Then my new and only friend Mackenzie invited me to their house for New Years. When I walked in they were there. Watching everyone walk in I totally fan girled over them.


S: omg omg omg you guys are here Erika Jake
J: hey
E: Welcome
S: can I please get a picture I'm such a fan.
J: sure

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